Category: television

Grosse messe

Folklore is the expertise of the dispossessed.

From a phrenological standpoint, one can see the IQ of the Rittenhouse judge is on the lower side.

The dewormer has turned on many anti-vaxxers. They continue to willfully throw off their mortal coils, in the name of freedom, Jesus, and Joe Rogan.

Funny how left/prog journalists can’t shake their obsession with Buttigieg.

SNCC paid a heavy price for its sexism and racialist separatism.

If Gosar’s anime had been hentai, he would have become the leading Republican candidate for president in 2024.

Many of the “new Trump Republicans” are boring. Can’t the GOP bring back the Delaware kitchen witch?

It’s funny how gullible “newsrooms” fixate on Steele rather than the FSB/Wikileaks hack of the DNC server.

The blackballing of Hope Solo is extreme sexism. The most decorated keeper (male or female) in US soccer history has to get in. Otherwise, the the US Soccer HoF is a joke.

When they came for Big Bird, I did nothing, because I have no beak.

When they come for Rudolph, they will have to contend with me.

There are several people who have cult followings for no explicable reason:



Tulsi Gabbard


Elon Musk

Andrew Yang

Tim Tebow

From Money Honey to QAnon Dummy: the Rise and Fall of Maria Bartiromo.

Merry meet!

The new criticism

I had planned to write something about cancelling Barney rather than Big Bird, but I took a look at wikipedia and came across this gem that is simply too perfect and hilarious to top.

“The creator and performer of the San Diego Chicken mascot, Ted Giannoulas, called Barney a “ubiquitous and insipid creature” in a 1999 court case.”

The next best American record

Jane Lynch is correct.

Nonetheless, Ellen and Jane Lynch are officially class enemies. Modern day kulaks!

Wine cave-gate blew up in Warren’s face. She thought she could pick up love from Berniebros/brosettes w/ the winecave stunt. Now that we know she held her own winecave fundraiser, she’s destroyed her campaign.

Which shows that many political attacks are self-referential.

Shows the limits of the class war/class enemies trip Bern and Warren have been on.

It’s good that Joe the Plumber still has stans.

Let’s face it. There’s a homophobic undercurrent to the current Pete hate, especially from Berners and Warren stans.

They are a nasty lot, mocking Biden’s stutter long before the loathsome Sarah Sanders did so.

Amazing how Berners and Warren stans are unnerved by Buttigieg.

Tulsi is running for present.

In the Kremlin, Trump’s codename is Baba Yaga.

Reporters are like fiction writers. They must constantly invent new storylines. Unlike fiction writers, they must produce content on deadline.

So Trump as LBJ 2.0 is a foreseeable plot.

Christianity Today overlooked the Trump-Hicks tryst, but the quid pro quo from bozo was one sin too many.

The retirement of David Letterman devastated the late-night TV landscape.


Donald Trump has shifted his domicile from New York City to Florida.

It’s as if a Superfund site just moved south.

The move does lay the groundwork for post-Presidency criminality. Mob often retired to Florida.

Trump is echt Queens, though. Everything about him says ash heap.

The good news: Rudy ain’t going’ nowheres.


Bern’s relaunch with AOC went unnoticed due to the sturm over Tulsi’s twitter beef with HRC.

Bern will never be the Democratic nominee, so Joe Manchin will never have to vote against him anyway.

With the tragedy of Deadspin following so close on the heels of the demise of Splinternews, we are nearer to reaching the crisis of which Marx wrote.

I’m surprised Bern isn’t fundraising off the suffering of Deadspin ex-staff. $2.70

A teacher in North Carolina is under fire for separating students by religion.

What I want to know is where did the rational students sit?

Impeachment is like Christmas Day for news networks.

Paula White’s criminality precedes her.

A cat is a loaded weapon.

Candy corn is the resistance of Halloween treats.

All about U

Bern is all about symbolic violence against Democrats. Then he cries about Democrats being against him.

Sanders sees his chance to win the nomination slipping, so he’s going scorched earth again on the Democratic Party.

Bern believes the torch has been passed to him by Dr King. He’s desperate to be nominated.

Bern will argue that Warren is just another neoliberal centrist that his revolution is meant to smash.

When HRC launched her campaign in 2015 quoting FDR, she was labeled a neoliberal by Bernistans. So it is ironic that he’s claiming the New Deal for socialism.

Political liberalism is the core of democratic socialism: rule of law, equality, rights, etc. Dem Soc varies from political liberalism in that it brings liberal values to bear on labor conditions and relations. There’s no socialism without liberalism.

AOC and Cheney continue to double down on stupid (just like Trump).

I always wonder how McConnell shaves his dewlap.

So many people bring naive realist expectations to a fictional TV drama (HBO’s Chernobyl). Literary theory needs to be taught in high schools.

The white Ford Bronco chase was the best live television in history. Everyone was on pins and needles, waiting to see if OJ would blow his brains out in front of a mass audience.

Many male pundits believe they are smarter and better at politics than Pelosi.

Up the beach

It’s sad that Lindsay and Paris are no longer besties.

Bern has stalled out. Quite a come-down from 2016.

A network that harangues about “political correctness” is not likely to interdict a culture of sexual harassment.

An illegal immigrant sleeps in the White House at least three nights each week.

If tariffs hit oxy, MAGAts would turn on Trump.

Foreign policy will be largely irrelevant this cycle except for the case of Russia. Gabbard won’t make any friends talking up peace with Assad.

The critique of liberalism is what brought Schmitt into play in the Telos circle. Which is what is appealing about Schmitt to the reactionary right.

It does help that Schmitt identifies the core weakness of liberalism when under threat: its allergic reaction to power disempowers it to defeat its enemies.

Schmitt was not anathema in an earlier era. Both Reinhart Koselleck and Jurgen Habermas cited his work positively. Allegedly, the publication of the English translation of the Struckturwandel book was delayed for years because of its Schmitt references, which were removed.

Schmitt became relevant in a different way post 9/11 with the rise of a new friend/foe distinction in the “war on terror” (i.e., the novel legal category of “enemy combatant”).

Ramble on

Libertarianism is the political boutique tendency.

Only naive EFF types thought the “web” could ever be non-toxic.

Elisabeth Moss needs to come under more scrutiny.

Bernie was one of the few New Left who didn’t break with the CCCP. He did march with Dr King, though.

Xenophobia and garden variety cultural ressentiment: the elixir of populism.

The question is whether populist outrage, as channeled by Sanders, is a winning strategy? Didn’t work for him in 2016 and it’s not working for him so far for 2020.

Bern’s anger-based politics has him in danger of slipping behind Warren.

D’Souza is another example of why it isn’t good to give felons the franchise. (see Flynn, Manafort, Limbaugh).

Für uns, gibts nicht.