Tagged: Brie Joy Gray

Live to tell

What we learned from the Berner campaign this week is that if you want a Social Democratic version of Trump, vote for Bernie.

The Berner campaign is using a Fox News tactic, “swift boating” Biden and Warren via outlets like Jacobin and Intercept, and surrogates like Brie, Sirota, Shure, Day, Grim, and Bragman, who carry the baggage.

When Bern was breaking rocks with Mandela in the 1960s, I wonder if he ever imagined his campaign surrogates would circulate doctored videos during his 2020 campaign?

Classic Trump-like response from the Berner campaign. Double down rather than do the right thing and disown the video.

It is certainly a distraction from Bern’s disastrous debate encounter with Warren and his apologia for racist Trump supporters during an NY Times interview.

As Bern explained to the NY Times, when as President he passes M4A and abolishes ICE and the CIA, the KKK will abolish itself.

The class-centric, base/superstructure model is traditional among all Marxists. They dismiss racism as epiphenomenal, holding that once the proles abolish private property, white supremacists will cease to exist.


Is it too much to ask for a Democratic Socialist to run a clean campaign? Or is this Bern’s Leninist streak coming out again (as it did against Clinton in 2016).


It’s hard to say “believe women” and then say “except for Elizabeth Warren.” People have to decide if they’ll make this exception in the case of Bern and accept the consequences.