Tagged: Jacobin Magazine

Days of plague 8

Megyn Kelly’s journalistic reputation lies somewhere between that of Judith Miller and John Barron.

At this point, all Trump can do is shore up his racist base. The name Obama is political meth to this demographic.

In their obsession with owning the libs, so-called left, so-called independent journalists have become openly MAGAts.

I try to imagine wanting to own the libs so badly that I’d be willing to destroy my own reputation by pimping the lies of a chronic liar. Then I imagine I’m Ryan Grim.

Uranium has a half-life of 4+ billion years. The only things with a longer half-life are former Sanders campaign staff and journalistic hangers-on.

The family of Warren Harding will be eternally grateful for the Trump Presidency.

Busy bodies

It’s fun to see the Sanders campaign in open war against Human Rights Campaign. Self-destruction apparently has no limits.

Shades of Bern in 2016, calling Planned Parenthood part of the Establishment when it endorsed Clinton rather than him.

This time, unfortunately, Bern is promoting an endorsement from Rogan, a high profile homo- and transphobe. Add this to Bern’s own endorsement of Cenk, and a pretty ugly picture comes into focus.

After the fiasco of his endorsement of Cenk, one would think Bern would be smarter than to accept and promote Rogan’s endorsement of his campaign. One wonders about his campaign staff: who is giving him consistently bad advice?

Walker Bragman’s whatabouts don’t distract from the real damage Bern’s promotion of Rogan’s endorsement does to his credibility as an inclusive candidate. The problem isn’t MoveOn or Obama or anyone else.

The problem is Bern.

What does Bern’s shift to the right mean for his “democratic socialist” credentials?

I wonder what AOC, Justice Democrats, and the international woketariat think about Bern’s online surrogates and extremely online broincels taking shots at Human Rights Campaign for daring to challenge the Vermont revolutionary’s embrace of transphobe Rogan?

I wonder how AOC feels — as a Bern surrogate — sharing the stage with Joe Rogan?


Tulsi’s close ties to Putin will damage her frivolous lawsuit against Hillary Clinton. Even though it will never go to trial & she’ll never see a penny or ruble out of it, Gabbard would never want to submit to a deposition. Too many skeletons could fall out of her closet (e.g., Assad, Modi, etc.).

According to Jacobin magazine, the “libertarian moment” is over. Libertarians would certainly oppose the dictatorship of the proles. So come the revolution, they would be crushed by the Jacobins. But the libertarian moment is not over yet. As long as there are teenage boys whose libidinal urges fixate on Ayn Rand, there will be libertarianism in American.

Dementia-riddled President asked to apologize over his empty-headed comments on brain injuries. Can’t make this up.

Station to station

“Fake drape” is serious camp shade Rand Paul threw at Lindsey Graham.

According to Jacobin magazine, philanthropy just delays the immiseration that is necessary to propel the proles fully into class struggle.

I told them it is best to use the wealthy to finance the revolution and then, when the dictatorship of the proles is in effect, declare the superrich class enemies, kulaks or whatever, and subject them to collectivization and shock work.

Tucker Carlson could quite easily be a Jacobin contributor.

Now that the Sussexes have de-royaled, the stumblebum Markle father must be bereft that his cash flow will be crimped.

Trump’s visible disability during today’s podium performance shocked Republican Senators.

As I wrote in real time, “CLOTUS is drugged, could barely keep his right eyelid open. Shuffling, sniffling, slurring junkie.”

Obama makes Trump bleed from his wherever.

Susan Sarandon and Michael Moore are eating a big platter of crow. Sarandon put some nonsense on tape about Trump the Peacemaker that will live in eternity.

Basically, Mar-a-Lago is the biggest whorehouse in Florida.

One of these days

Writing outside one’s own identity is called fiction writing.

This should go without saying.


Naive and/or intersectionalist realism faces a conundrum when it comes to the Little Women film.

Saoirse Ronan is Irish.

Emma Watson is British.

Florence Pugh is British.

Eliza Scanlen is a Roo.

Compulsory intersectionality and naive realism suggest they are unfit to portray “American” little women. Some type of cultural appropriation is going on here. It must outrageous.


Art does not bear the burden of truth, it bears the necessity of being art. Art is only untrue when it ceases to be art.


Jacobin magazine says Jesus was a revolutionary. That would make the Catholic Church the Communist Party of antiquity.

Paul would be Lenin. Constantine would be Stalin.

American Evangelicism is convenience store Christianity. It is clearly the most hypocritical sect among the world religions today.


Trump saying he’ll “no longer read” Christianity Today is like saying he’ll no longer cheat on his wife(ves).

Christianity Today basically said Trump’s soul is rotten from wallowing in sin.

Hard to disagree.

The Army and Naval academies made a bad decision. But at least we’ll know where to find white nationalists: they’ll wear uniforms.

Is Steve Bannon running these academies?

Officers with bad reputations were “fragged” in the Vietnam era.

Every Marx-inspired crisis theory since 1848 is basically a re-write of The Eighteenth-Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. See the latest New Republic.

There’s no virtue in a small donation. That’s the bizarre populist dogma that has infected the campaign.

Warren is polling at 17% nationally with women and 14% with African Americans. She needs to beef up those numbers or, like Bern, she’ll die in the southern primaries.

Banging on Buttigieg won’t help in this area.

Michael Tracey is famous for knowing the right way to be anti-Trump (e.g., Tulsi Gabbard) as oppose to the wrong way to be anti-Trump (e.g., Nancy Pelosi).

As opposed to Tracey, the revolutionary left are as unhappy with the impeachment as the hardcore MAGAts. Both sides realize it was a massive victory for the Democratic Party Establishment.

Thus the effort to downplay the impeachment or to suggest it was conducted on the wrong basis.

On the ceiling

For many, the choice is not between capitalism or socialism but between HBO or Showtime. Socialisme ou barbarie had its time. Today it should be rendered as socialism or consumerism. The left needs to articulate a theory of needs in the age of extinction.

I predicted Jacobin magazine would trash a trade deal Sherrod Brown (solid labor cred) advocates.

Trump is the first about-to-be-impeached President to attend the Navy-Army game.

Both Sanders and Trump are economic nationalists/populists.

Both are Peacemakers (according to Berniebros).

Both claim to be anti-Establishment.

This is why Sanders claims he is best suited to drawing the votes of Trump supporters.

The Sanders campaign just can’t shake the misogyny label. Endorsing Cenk reaffirms the obvious.

Odd that a misogynist (Cenk Uygur) would run for a seat vacated by a woman (Katie Hill) who was victimized by a misogynist.

When Bern was breaking rocks alongside Mandela in the 60s, I wonder if he ever thought he’d be trailing Buttigieg in 2019?

Elizabeth Warren apparently doesn’t know FDR’s net worth was $60 million dollars in 1933, which is the equivalent of $1.15 billion dollars today.

He made Big Structural Change.

Clint Eastwood worked wonders with the white-supremacist-written Josey Wales, depicted as the victim of Northern aggression. He assumed he could make a similar sort of hero out of Jewell.

Ivanka can’t wait to be with Christopher Steele again.

Words I heard

M4A is DOA. Everyone knows it.

Smart candidates will move out of this sackgasse rather than fighting for the best parking spot in it.

Can’t see anyone voting for Trump because he’s better spoken or more coherent than Biden. MAGAts vote for him because he’s a bigot and appeals to their cultural ressentiment.

Biden appeals to proles because he speaks to their moral decency. Trump can never be morally decent.

AOC simply isn’t helping Bern. The age contrast is not flattering.

When Bern and Warren wage their petite guerre de classe against billionaires, they always mention Bezos or Bloomberg, but never Oprah. I wonder if this is strategic/tactical since they poll rather low with black voters or if they view Oprah as an “exceptional” billionaire.

Jacobin has circled the ideological wagons against Warren, going so far as to attack her daughter. The more sophisticated Marxists at the publication must know this was highly undialectical. But the quality of leftwing writer has deteriorated from the days of the Partisan Review.

Bernie stans have one goal: to destroy the Democratic Party “Establishment,” including the NAACP, Planned Parenthood, etc. Anything that stands against Bern must be razed to the ground.

People are upset that Trump flacks keep appearing on MSNBC and CNN. You have to realize these media types travel in the same circles. I went to one of Al Sharpton’s National Action events and one of the speakers was Bill O’Reilly (with whom the Rev was quite chummy). These presenters are not as hostile to each other as we are to one political branch of them.

Distance from necessity breeds indifference to necessity. That’s a simple, objective reason.