Tagged: work


The gutter press still satiates the libidinous needs of its audience.

Peter Grant was the Sir Alex Ferguson of rock music managers.

Work (particularly manual labour) has always been over-rated by Christian moralists and Marxists beholden to the debunked “labour theory of value.”

Historically, workers in “developed nations” benefited from imperialism in relation to workers in places like Sri Lanka or India. Now the situation has been reversed, with the latter rendering the former as surplus labour under conditions of globalisation and what Zygi Bauman called “liquid modernity.”

Pets are better than most people, so the upscale pampering is understandable (see Assange’s cat).

Biopics typically fail. I don’t know why they are made with such frequency. Lack of new ideas?

US culture is a festival of cultural appropriation. It is cultural appropriation, or hybridisation, all the way down. But then so are all cultures, at least the ones that progress as opposed to becoming museum pieces.