Tagged: Jennifer Lawrence

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Pundits have jumped all over the Scalise story. But really, what’s the difference between a “European-American Unity and Rights Organization” meeting, Stormfront, and any recent Republican Party National Convention?

With the demise of his/her noble culture, the hobo is no longer a worthy subject of art. Rembrandt, whose self portraits depict the artist as an A’dam street “entrepreneur,” is unlikely to inspire the likes of “Banksy,” Koons, Close, or Schnabel to do the same today.

Economic and political historians of Russia will name the events of 2014 as Putin’s Folly. When Mr Putin goes into exile, what becomes of Mr Snowden and his housemate Viktor Yanukovych?

According to Forbes magazine, it’s JLaw’s world now. We just live in it.

Rats with bongos

JLaw is our Edie Sedgwick.

The family of Alastair Denniston has criticized the fictional narrative in the film “The Imitation Game” for being fictional.

This ruling will have a chilling effect on all future special relationships.

Give credit where it is due: hipsters saved vinyl records from certain extinction.

The Star Wars franchise went downhill after episode V (the only entry worth screening), highlighted by the fatal embarrassment of Jar Jar Binks from which there was no recovery.


Mr Putin’s imperialist ambition is more nineteenth-century than Cold War, but his false pretenses are drawn straight from the CCCP playbook.

The world’s most famous celebrity squatter suffered another courtroom defeat.

In the wake of the President’s executive order concerning immigration, the Cliven Bundy wing of the Republican Party is quite visible today.


Me: JLaw could well be Jesus. But Kim Gordon is Lord.

Respondent: That’d make Lawrence the son of Gordon, which would be an interesting twist.

Me: That works for me.