Tagged: Bill O’Reilly

Words I heard

M4A is DOA. Everyone knows it.

Smart candidates will move out of this sackgasse rather than fighting for the best parking spot in it.

Can’t see anyone voting for Trump because he’s better spoken or more coherent than Biden. MAGAts vote for him because he’s a bigot and appeals to their cultural ressentiment.

Biden appeals to proles because he speaks to their moral decency. Trump can never be morally decent.

AOC simply isn’t helping Bern. The age contrast is not flattering.

When Bern and Warren wage their petite guerre de classe against billionaires, they always mention Bezos or Bloomberg, but never Oprah. I wonder if this is strategic/tactical since they poll rather low with black voters or if they view Oprah as an “exceptional” billionaire.

Jacobin has circled the ideological wagons against Warren, going so far as to attack her daughter. The more sophisticated Marxists at the publication must know this was highly undialectical. But the quality of leftwing writer has deteriorated from the days of the Partisan Review.

Bernie stans have one goal: to destroy the Democratic Party “Establishment,” including the NAACP, Planned Parenthood, etc. Anything that stands against Bern must be razed to the ground.

People are upset that Trump flacks keep appearing on MSNBC and CNN. You have to realize these media types travel in the same circles. I went to one of Al Sharpton’s National Action events and one of the speakers was Bill O’Reilly (with whom the Rev was quite chummy). These presenters are not as hostile to each other as we are to one political branch of them.

Distance from necessity breeds indifference to necessity. That’s a simple, objective reason.

Hit single #1

Ms Arquette’s detractors are either members of professional outragetariat or addled hyper-intersectionalists.

What’s wrong with having a beer with an owl.

One must forgive Bill O’Reilly. He’s not used to working with facts.

For the speakers and attendees of CPAC, the sky is always falling. It’s curious that the sky always only lands on them.

Ms Kirchner made an Argentinian judge an offer he couldn’t refuse.

Clint Eastwood turned Mr Kyle into the new Daniel Boone. Or Josey Wales. Which proves Americans are gullible, like the audience at Le Gamaar.