Tagged: Kim Davis

Time loves a hero

If civilisation is measured by the absence of gun violence, then the US is one of the most uncivilised places on earth. From the National Rifle Manufacturers Association and its paid politicians to the yokel libertarian sheriff in Oregon, the bulwark of barbarism is immense and apparently impenetrable by the forces of reason.

The only practical conclusion I can draw from this latest incident of barbarism, and the predictable reaction to it, is that Americans (#notallAmericans) prefer to expose themselves and their fellow citizens to the real risk of death posed by gun violence than the hypothetical risk of death posed by “tyranny.”


The meeting between Kim Davis and Pope Francis represents grave evil. As a Jesuit, the Pope should know better than to do anything that might be perceived as support for a barnyard religious bigot.

Now I know how Joan of Arc felt

Kim Davis is the Pope of religious bigotry.

Pope Francis looks a bit like Peter Gabriel.

Texas + football brings out the paleolithic in people.


Anti-gentrification protestors are as well meaning and as misguided as their colleagues in the Occupy movement. Attacking a cereal shop in the East End of London is as impotent a gesture as the refusal to formulate specific demands for political authorities.

Hipsters keep our culture fresh. Embrace them and then real progress might commence.

Melody Nelson

Another atrocity from the NYPD.

One clown down. Rick Perry has dropped out of the race. Mr Trump soaked up Perry voters, which is why Perry went after him. He’s also swiped the voters of the Canadian Senator Cruz.

Republicans are nihilists.

Mr Trump’s reality show is primarily destroying right-wing clowns like Perry (gone), Jindal (non-existent), Huckabee (reduced to trolling for a religiously deranged public official in Kentucky), Paul (reduced to booking 60 hours on the Senate floor to filibuster every and any bill in order to gain attention), Cruz (reduced to reclaiming Canadian citizenship), Santorum (barely frothing), Walker (non-existent), and the alleged moderate Christie (who couldn’t find a bridge to blockade now if his life depended on it).

Carly Fiorina’s tepid reply won’t diminish Mr Trump’s popularity in the Republican base, which loves his unapologetic misogyny. As far as Tea Party Republicans are concerned, the more “unpresidential” a candidate is, the better.

Mr Trump understands the #1 rule of American conservative fight club: never apologise.

Apparently, Kentucky’s Kim Davis will issue marriage licenses for same sex couples. Her jailing was just a publicity stunt to raise money for right-wing causes. I had looked forward to her crucifixion along with two common criminals. Hopes dashed.