Tagged: MAGAmob

Great divide: revisited

That smug MAGAboy could be your son or your brother. It could be Squi.

New video footage of the MAGAmob looks like a trailer for a Lord of the Flies remake.

The harassment of the Native American gent counts as community service or “civic engagement” for Catholic school kids.

The MAGAboy hired a PR firm, which skillfully employed the MAGA play book: deny, expand attack, blame media, repeat.

Swastika, Klan 700 tc bed sheet, and MAGAcap: emblems of conservative thought.

Pence and Mother are dump truck Christians (i.e., what’s left of Christianity after one dumps all the morality out of it).

What a terrible mob lawyer Giuliani is.

Kamala Harris declared her candidacy for POTUS. It will be interesting to see how Berniebros play this. With Clinton, they fell back on misogyny. With Harris, will they dare use race? How far will they go for the sake of Sanders’ “revolution”?

RE the Sorkin-AOC kerfuffle: responding to every criticism is something a young person would do.