Tagged: AOC

The phantom progressives

It must be galling to the progressive community in NYC that Buffalo elected a socialist mayor, while NYC is on the way to electing an ex-cop. Buffalo is, however, the exception to the rule. The current “left” is politically inept. For example, Bernie and his bros spent more time bashing Warren and Buttigieg (who never threatened to win the nomination) than Biden (who never trailed). Only too late did chapo-class journalists realize the danger, and hence the “Dementia Joe” threads (Bragman) and Tara Reade Hoax (Halper & Grim) came into existence.

In the case of the NYC Democratic-mayoral primary, the progs blew up Stringer and Morales, failed to read the room (Defund was a no-go during an incipient “crime wave”), and, in desperation, latched onto an absolute lightweight (Maya Wiley), which has cost AOC a good deal of credibility. Meanwhile, the ex-cop (Adams) coasted to the lead in the 1st choice ranking.

Despite being an ex-cop (and how embarrassing is that for the left?), Adams put together the multicultural/multi-class coalition that progs talk about but never actually achieve, since they were basically appealing to monied types in Park Slope, the UWS, gentrified Williamsburg, Bushwick and Bed-Stuy, and the Hamptons.


The MyPillock Guy is taking heat for revising the date on which Trump will be “reinstated.” To be fair, it’s almost 2000 years and there’s been no Second Coming yet. Trump’s return will surely take much longer.

Won’t you be my maior domus?

I don’t find any of the Democratic candidates running to be the next mayor of NYC to be inspiring. In order to write about them, I’ll begin with numbers. I know it is not fashionable to trust polling, but if one takes the majority of polls during the Democratic presidential primary as an example, Biden always led in every poll and Sanders never topped 30%. I recall few pundits ever acknowledged Sanders’ ceiling, and the ceiling for progressives as a whole in such a national campaign. In this case, the polls accurately forecasted a Biden victory in the primary election booth.

But NYC is a different pond. Perhaps a “progressive” candidate like Maya Wiley, freshly endorsed by political influencer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is now the “frontrunner.” Based on today’s report on a current NY1/Ipsos poll of likely Democratic voters, the mountain Wiley has to climb is significant. To be sure, this poll was conducted prior to the AOC endorsement, but how much “juice” does AOC really have (she didn’t move the needle for Sanders. This will be a test of her political influence: it is risky to spend political capital on a high profile, losing campaign, again)?

The top three candidates in order of preference are Eric Adams (22%), Andrew Yang (16%), and Kathryn Garcia (15%). Wiley doesn’t break into double digits (9%) and is behind Scott Stringer (10%). So let’s say the AOC push jumps her above Stringer. Will this endorsement really lift her above Garcia into 3rd place? Again, if one abides by polls, hasn’t Wiley already hit her ceiling? And despite the online media echo chamber re Stringer and Yang, are they really “done” as viable top 3 candidates? (The poll suggests yes for Stringer, but no for Yang). What AOC’s endorsement may have achieved for Wiley is to lift her level of familiarity with likely voters (52% in this poll, behind Yang 85%, Stringer 77%, and Adams 73%). But increased familiarity will bring more scrutiny, which may not help a candidate lacking the experience in government of her likely immediate opponents (Adams and Garcia).

If the Biden presidential primary victory is a harbinger of the mood of Democratic Party constituencies, then experience and a return to regular order in politics and social life are valued more highly by Democratic electorates than a call for big changes. At the national level, candidates like Warren and Sanders failed to “read the room”: Big Structural Change and “revolution” fared poorly in the midst of the daily chaos and deadly incompetence of the former guy’s presidency and the economic and social upheaval of a pandemic. Has Wiley read the room accurately in a race in which a former police officer (Adams) now leads the pack, a race in which likely voters identify crime/violence (46%) and affordable housing (45%) as the top 2 “main problems facing New York today”?

Busy bodies

It’s fun to see the Sanders campaign in open war against Human Rights Campaign. Self-destruction apparently has no limits.

Shades of Bern in 2016, calling Planned Parenthood part of the Establishment when it endorsed Clinton rather than him.

This time, unfortunately, Bern is promoting an endorsement from Rogan, a high profile homo- and transphobe. Add this to Bern’s own endorsement of Cenk, and a pretty ugly picture comes into focus.

After the fiasco of his endorsement of Cenk, one would think Bern would be smarter than to accept and promote Rogan’s endorsement of his campaign. One wonders about his campaign staff: who is giving him consistently bad advice?

Walker Bragman’s whatabouts don’t distract from the real damage Bern’s promotion of Rogan’s endorsement does to his credibility as an inclusive candidate. The problem isn’t MoveOn or Obama or anyone else.

The problem is Bern.

What does Bern’s shift to the right mean for his “democratic socialist” credentials?

I wonder what AOC, Justice Democrats, and the international woketariat think about Bern’s online surrogates and extremely online broincels taking shots at Human Rights Campaign for daring to challenge the Vermont revolutionary’s embrace of transphobe Rogan?

I wonder how AOC feels — as a Bern surrogate — sharing the stage with Joe Rogan?


Tulsi’s close ties to Putin will damage her frivolous lawsuit against Hillary Clinton. Even though it will never go to trial & she’ll never see a penny or ruble out of it, Gabbard would never want to submit to a deposition. Too many skeletons could fall out of her closet (e.g., Assad, Modi, etc.).

According to Jacobin magazine, the “libertarian moment” is over. Libertarians would certainly oppose the dictatorship of the proles. So come the revolution, they would be crushed by the Jacobins. But the libertarian moment is not over yet. As long as there are teenage boys whose libidinal urges fixate on Ayn Rand, there will be libertarianism in American.

Dementia-riddled President asked to apologize over his empty-headed comments on brain injuries. Can’t make this up.

O magnum mysterium

Muppies. Millennial Urban Professionals. The extremely online ones (i.e., writers for Jacobin/Splinternews type outfits) are buying brownstones in Bushwick from their trust funds.

Trump’s biggest feuds of 2019 were with reality and with his crippling paresis.

AOC risks damaging her brand the longer she associates with Bern’s losing campaign. For example, she’ll be held accountable for the misogyny and homophobia exuded by Bern’s online acolytes.

John Kasich say Democrats should avoid hard left candidates. The thing is, Bern and Warren aren’t hard left. They use the rhetoric of class struggle, but they are basically Right deviationists. Bourgeois socialists. Millionaires.

Bern’s online support is more left wing and, frankly, unhinged. But they’ll have no influence on policy.

Interestingly, support for the Vermont revolutionary is low among black voters and voters earning <50k

Bern appeals to the aristocracy of labor and those occupying intermediate class positions. Neither of these groups are particularly revolutionary. Lumpenproles remain with Trump.

Class struggle will continue as it has since 1848: predator capitalists on one side and xenophobic, economistic proles on the other side.

It is no surprise that Michael Moore prefers Trump over Biden. So does Walker Bragman.

Without a theory of needs, woke culture analysis remains superficial (i.e., idealist, bourgeois). It can nag from the sidelines, shame on Twitter, but will have no effect in reality.

White supremacists are as ubiquitous in the military today as heroin was during the Vietnam War era.

Fruitcake has a longer half-life than uranium.

Walking higher

Tulsi Gabbard’s stirring defense of Trump on the floor of the House today will go down as her Gettysburg Address.

Populism is a form of authoritarianism.

Sarah Palin said ACA meant death panels. I guess this view has been rehabilitated for the purpose of supporting M4A.

AOC is just one tweet away from saying ACA is a death panel.

It doesn’t make sense to over-think Trump support. Hardcore MAGAts don’t care what he does, he’s their cult leader.

To the extent there are any rational Republican voters left, they’ll pick and choose what to ignore. The morally depraved ones will overlook Ukrainegate.

I’ve been to Salem. I saw them burning Trump. It smelled like sulphur.

🙏 for solitary confinement for Mike Flynn.

Musharraf death penalty = justice for Bhutto.

It’s heavy meta to read a media narrative about a “tempting media narrative.”

The culture industry of outrage.

Chelsea girls

It’s difficult to punish the cadets and sailors when Trump himself is a white power gesture.

Warren is too rational to force the Democratic Party to fall on the sword of M4A.

Since Bern’s goal is to destroy the Democratic Party (i.e., “liberals” or “The Establishment”), he undoubtedly would ram M4A down their throats.

Bern says the word deductible is an outrageous word. But “deductible” doesn’t make my blood boil. Maybe I need to see a doctor.

AOC appears ready to follow Bern down the M4A rabbit hole, damaging her brand with each nonsensical tweet against the ACA.

Trump already gave farmers billions of dollars in government handouts, which only perpetuate a culture of rural poverty.

Words I heard

M4A is DOA. Everyone knows it.

Smart candidates will move out of this sackgasse rather than fighting for the best parking spot in it.

Can’t see anyone voting for Trump because he’s better spoken or more coherent than Biden. MAGAts vote for him because he’s a bigot and appeals to their cultural ressentiment.

Biden appeals to proles because he speaks to their moral decency. Trump can never be morally decent.

AOC simply isn’t helping Bern. The age contrast is not flattering.

When Bern and Warren wage their petite guerre de classe against billionaires, they always mention Bezos or Bloomberg, but never Oprah. I wonder if this is strategic/tactical since they poll rather low with black voters or if they view Oprah as an “exceptional” billionaire.

Jacobin has circled the ideological wagons against Warren, going so far as to attack her daughter. The more sophisticated Marxists at the publication must know this was highly undialectical. But the quality of leftwing writer has deteriorated from the days of the Partisan Review.

Bernie stans have one goal: to destroy the Democratic Party “Establishment,” including the NAACP, Planned Parenthood, etc. Anything that stands against Bern must be razed to the ground.

People are upset that Trump flacks keep appearing on MSNBC and CNN. You have to realize these media types travel in the same circles. I went to one of Al Sharpton’s National Action events and one of the speakers was Bill O’Reilly (with whom the Rev was quite chummy). These presenters are not as hostile to each other as we are to one political branch of them.

Distance from necessity breeds indifference to necessity. That’s a simple, objective reason.