Tagged: 2020 Democratic Primary

Busy bodies

It’s fun to see the Sanders campaign in open war against Human Rights Campaign. Self-destruction apparently has no limits.

Shades of Bern in 2016, calling Planned Parenthood part of the Establishment when it endorsed Clinton rather than him.

This time, unfortunately, Bern is promoting an endorsement from Rogan, a high profile homo- and transphobe. Add this to Bern’s own endorsement of Cenk, and a pretty ugly picture comes into focus.

After the fiasco of his endorsement of Cenk, one would think Bern would be smarter than to accept and promote Rogan’s endorsement of his campaign. One wonders about his campaign staff: who is giving him consistently bad advice?

Walker Bragman’s whatabouts don’t distract from the real damage Bern’s promotion of Rogan’s endorsement does to his credibility as an inclusive candidate. The problem isn’t MoveOn or Obama or anyone else.

The problem is Bern.

What does Bern’s shift to the right mean for his “democratic socialist” credentials?

I wonder what AOC, Justice Democrats, and the international woketariat think about Bern’s online surrogates and extremely online broincels taking shots at Human Rights Campaign for daring to challenge the Vermont revolutionary’s embrace of transphobe Rogan?

I wonder how AOC feels — as a Bern surrogate — sharing the stage with Joe Rogan?


Tulsi’s close ties to Putin will damage her frivolous lawsuit against Hillary Clinton. Even though it will never go to trial & she’ll never see a penny or ruble out of it, Gabbard would never want to submit to a deposition. Too many skeletons could fall out of her closet (e.g., Assad, Modi, etc.).

According to Jacobin magazine, the “libertarian moment” is over. Libertarians would certainly oppose the dictatorship of the proles. So come the revolution, they would be crushed by the Jacobins. But the libertarian moment is not over yet. As long as there are teenage boys whose libidinal urges fixate on Ayn Rand, there will be libertarianism in American.

Dementia-riddled President asked to apologize over his empty-headed comments on brain injuries. Can’t make this up.

I’d like to put you in a trance

Incompetence starts at the top of the campaign, meaning with Bernie. It trickles down, permeating the campaign.

When the oppo research finally hits Sanders, it will bern. The other campaigns have been treating him with kid gloves so far.

Oddly, using Zephyr Teachout’s own standards, Bloomberg is the only non-corrupt candidate.

Only extremely online twitter cares about funding. Indeed, the other candidates play themselves by soaking proles for $2.70 they can’t afford to spend on losing campaigns, while Trump shakes down the superrich and Russian oligarchs.

Play to win.

Again. Bern should run as an independent. He’ll never win the Dem nomination. He’ll just play the spoiler role again for Trump. If he had any real convictions and believed in his revolution, he’d run as an independent. If there really is a mass movement for his candidacy, it should defeat Democrats and Republicans handily.

There’s no reason for Warren to be complicit with misogyny just to score a few points with red rose twitter that despises her. But there she is, playing along with Bern’s Biden smear.


Funny how people who hate the NY Times follow it so closely.

The NY Times’ endorsement should end the media’s Klobuchar blackout.

Almost immediately following the endorsement, a Bern surrogate recycled the story about Klobuchar the abusive boss, forgetting that “women are abusive bosses” had been hashed out as typical sexism towards women in positions of authority. Not something Bern’s campaign can afford to be associated with.

Live to tell

What we learned from the Berner campaign this week is that if you want a Social Democratic version of Trump, vote for Bernie.

The Berner campaign is using a Fox News tactic, “swift boating” Biden and Warren via outlets like Jacobin and Intercept, and surrogates like Brie, Sirota, Shure, Day, Grim, and Bragman, who carry the baggage.

When Bern was breaking rocks with Mandela in the 1960s, I wonder if he ever imagined his campaign surrogates would circulate doctored videos during his 2020 campaign?

Classic Trump-like response from the Berner campaign. Double down rather than do the right thing and disown the video.

It is certainly a distraction from Bern’s disastrous debate encounter with Warren and his apologia for racist Trump supporters during an NY Times interview.

As Bern explained to the NY Times, when as President he passes M4A and abolishes ICE and the CIA, the KKK will abolish itself.

The class-centric, base/superstructure model is traditional among all Marxists. They dismiss racism as epiphenomenal, holding that once the proles abolish private property, white supremacists will cease to exist.


Is it too much to ask for a Democratic Socialist to run a clean campaign? Or is this Bern’s Leninist streak coming out again (as it did against Clinton in 2016).


It’s hard to say “believe women” and then say “except for Elizabeth Warren.” People have to decide if they’ll make this exception in the case of Bern and accept the consequences.