Tagged: Colin Kaepernick

Million Dollar Man

Trump’s cash for farm votes program was bound to be another one of his scams.

Tyler Skaggs (alcohol, fentanyl and oxy), Roy Halladay (amphetamines, morphine, Ambien, alcohol), and José Fernández (alcohol and cocaine). Notice a pattern?

The title Twilight of the Elites may suffer the same fate as The End of Ideology and The End of History and the Last Man.

It was difficult for Andrew Luck to walk away from professional toxic masculinity and all its entitlements.

Urban & rural poor males will always gravitate towards headbanging sports like American football and rugby; especially football, with enticements of toxic masculinity, college scholarships, NFL millions (NB people forget Kaepernick is a multimillionaire), and glamour (see Ballers).

For Bern, those who fail to support him are kulaks.