Tagged: Arizona

Shoot any bad guys

An Arizona grandfather has been arrested and accused of leaving his five-year-old granddaughter alone in the desert with a loaded and cocked .45-caliber handgun and the instruction to “shoot any bad guys,” authorities said on Monday.

Rater was later found by deputies at a local feed store with a bar. He admitted to leaving the girl alone in the desert with the gun while he went for a few drinks and a cheeseburger. He told deputies he left the girl behind after she complained she couldn’t walk anymore.

From Donald Trump to this cheeseburger eating granddad, Americans are spoofing themselves these days, there’s no need for The Onion.

Once again: Arizona is Texas-lite.


The Cardigans are the greatest band from Sweden. They perfected Euro emo, which is superior to the output of bands like Dashboard Confessional and Taking Back Sunday. The latter gave rise to the practice of wearing ill fitting sweaters and tight jeans, of crying, writing poetry, then crying again about having written terrible poetry.

That’s all folks!

The House Republicans are unable to elected a new Speaker of the House. The Republican Party has allowed itself to be overrun by cartoon Christians and cartoon conservatives, whose images have been exquisitely drawn by Fox News’s Looney Tunes version of journalism. Members of the Tea Party Republican House have been playing the Wile E. Coyote role to the POTUS’s Road Runner since 2010: the anvil is always falling on them.

The women depicted in the film Suffragette will be remembered and honoured long after the cookie-cutter objections of the professional outragetariat, who inhabit twitter and Tumblr, have evaporated in the digital ether.

Westboro Baptist Church rejects are protesting a Renoir exhibit.

When did Arizona become Texas-lite?