Tagged: Tulsi Gabbard

Busy bodies

It’s fun to see the Sanders campaign in open war against Human Rights Campaign. Self-destruction apparently has no limits.

Shades of Bern in 2016, calling Planned Parenthood part of the Establishment when it endorsed Clinton rather than him.

This time, unfortunately, Bern is promoting an endorsement from Rogan, a high profile homo- and transphobe. Add this to Bern’s own endorsement of Cenk, and a pretty ugly picture comes into focus.

After the fiasco of his endorsement of Cenk, one would think Bern would be smarter than to accept and promote Rogan’s endorsement of his campaign. One wonders about his campaign staff: who is giving him consistently bad advice?

Walker Bragman’s whatabouts don’t distract from the real damage Bern’s promotion of Rogan’s endorsement does to his credibility as an inclusive candidate. The problem isn’t MoveOn or Obama or anyone else.

The problem is Bern.

What does Bern’s shift to the right mean for his “democratic socialist” credentials?

I wonder what AOC, Justice Democrats, and the international woketariat think about Bern’s online surrogates and extremely online broincels taking shots at Human Rights Campaign for daring to challenge the Vermont revolutionary’s embrace of transphobe Rogan?

I wonder how AOC feels — as a Bern surrogate — sharing the stage with Joe Rogan?


Tulsi’s close ties to Putin will damage her frivolous lawsuit against Hillary Clinton. Even though it will never go to trial & she’ll never see a penny or ruble out of it, Gabbard would never want to submit to a deposition. Too many skeletons could fall out of her closet (e.g., Assad, Modi, etc.).

According to Jacobin magazine, the “libertarian moment” is over. Libertarians would certainly oppose the dictatorship of the proles. So come the revolution, they would be crushed by the Jacobins. But the libertarian moment is not over yet. As long as there are teenage boys whose libidinal urges fixate on Ayn Rand, there will be libertarianism in American.

Dementia-riddled President asked to apologize over his empty-headed comments on brain injuries. Can’t make this up.

The next best American record

Jane Lynch is correct.

Nonetheless, Ellen and Jane Lynch are officially class enemies. Modern day kulaks!

Wine cave-gate blew up in Warren’s face. She thought she could pick up love from Berniebros/brosettes w/ the winecave stunt. Now that we know she held her own winecave fundraiser, she’s destroyed her campaign.

Which shows that many political attacks are self-referential.

Shows the limits of the class war/class enemies trip Bern and Warren have been on.

It’s good that Joe the Plumber still has stans.

Let’s face it. There’s a homophobic undercurrent to the current Pete hate, especially from Berners and Warren stans.

They are a nasty lot, mocking Biden’s stutter long before the loathsome Sarah Sanders did so.

Amazing how Berners and Warren stans are unnerved by Buttigieg.

Tulsi is running for present.

In the Kremlin, Trump’s codename is Baba Yaga.

Reporters are like fiction writers. They must constantly invent new storylines. Unlike fiction writers, they must produce content on deadline.

So Trump as LBJ 2.0 is a foreseeable plot.

Christianity Today overlooked the Trump-Hicks tryst, but the quid pro quo from bozo was one sin too many.

The retirement of David Letterman devastated the late-night TV landscape.

REV 22:20

A good night for the Democratic Party Establishment.

Predictably, impeachment is being downplayed on the revolutionary left.

I’ll write it again: Ethel Rosenberg was executed for less.

Cars honking in NYC as if the Giants won the Super Bowl.

For those keeping score: Trump is second Ivy Leaguer to be impeached.

I went to Salem recently and saw Trump strung up like a Burning Man statue and set afire. The locals danced in a circle around the flaming carnage.

When I visited Salem, I saw them burning Trumps. Little kids gathered the kindling from a nearby forest.

One time in Salem, I saw the locals drowning Trumps. It was gruesome but then Jesus appeared and the people were happy.

Gabbard’s Russian votes tonight are more damaging than anything HRC said about her.

Putin says: Spasibo Tulsi Michaelova!

I still think Tulsi is destined for a permanent seat on the Outnumbered couch.

The unhappiest person in the US today must be Michael Tracey.

Pelosi is a professional. And a boss.

She had to silence the Squad. And did so like a boss.

The outspoken pundit Cenk Uygur is finding that politics is actually hard.

Walking higher

Tulsi Gabbard’s stirring defense of Trump on the floor of the House today will go down as her Gettysburg Address.

Populism is a form of authoritarianism.

Sarah Palin said ACA meant death panels. I guess this view has been rehabilitated for the purpose of supporting M4A.

AOC is just one tweet away from saying ACA is a death panel.

It doesn’t make sense to over-think Trump support. Hardcore MAGAts don’t care what he does, he’s their cult leader.

To the extent there are any rational Republican voters left, they’ll pick and choose what to ignore. The morally depraved ones will overlook Ukrainegate.

I’ve been to Salem. I saw them burning Trump. It smelled like sulphur.

🙏 for solitary confinement for Mike Flynn.

Musharraf death penalty = justice for Bhutto.

It’s heavy meta to read a media narrative about a “tempting media narrative.”

The culture industry of outrage.

Used to sing to the mountains

The more the campaign is about NDAs and tax returns, the more politics is trivialized and the more ridiculous Democrats look.

Populism will be the reason why we can’t have a nice Democratic President.

Tis weird that a candidate like Buttigieg, who has no apparent path to winning the nomination, is under such vicious attack from surrogates of other candidates who also lack a clear path to victory (i.e., Sanders and Warren). I suppose their outrage needed a new outlet after Beto quit.

It’s trendy to call Buttigieg a racist these days. So I wonder what to call this:

I think that having so many Southern states go first kind of distorts reality,” Sanders said during a taping of “The Nightly Show” on Comedy Central earlier this month …

As the field is weeded perhaps Klobuchar will attract more media attention. She doesn’t cry about lack of attention like Castro and Booker.

Darling Nikki Haley is definitely running and has just locked down the vote of the Confederacy.

Clinton wouldn’t have cut food stamps. But Berniebros/brosettes said there was no difference between Clinton and Trump.

So much for their political wisdom!

Pelosi puts her boots on the necks of Kremlin-affiliated Republicans.

Pence misses his old names: Son of perdition. Little horn! Most unclean!

Homeland is basically the Trump Russia/Ukrainegate + Tulsi Gabbard.

Bad company

Pressley is the smartest Squadie.

Who cares about Gabbard now besides her Novosibirsk constituents?

There’s no worse place than Alabama. Unless it’s Mississippi.

At least the family of Warren Harding is pleased with the Trump presidency. Ukrainegate and Russiagate leave Teapot Dome in the dust.

It is shocking to learn Mike Pence works with a woman who is not his wife.

The way to undermine Bloomberg is to point to his shameless party-hopping, from one political bed to another, to further his own ends.

Like Trump.

Yet journalists think Bloomberg is concerned with something besides himself.

Forget the White Knight narrative. It’s been shattered by a confrontation with reality.

Class envy of class enemies is the engine of class struggles.


Donald Trump has shifted his domicile from New York City to Florida.

It’s as if a Superfund site just moved south.

The move does lay the groundwork for post-Presidency criminality. Mob often retired to Florida.

Trump is echt Queens, though. Everything about him says ash heap.

The good news: Rudy ain’t going’ nowheres.


Bern’s relaunch with AOC went unnoticed due to the sturm over Tulsi’s twitter beef with HRC.

Bern will never be the Democratic nominee, so Joe Manchin will never have to vote against him anyway.

With the tragedy of Deadspin following so close on the heels of the demise of Splinternews, we are nearer to reaching the crisis of which Marx wrote.

I’m surprised Bern isn’t fundraising off the suffering of Deadspin ex-staff. $2.70

A teacher in North Carolina is under fire for separating students by religion.

What I want to know is where did the rational students sit?

Impeachment is like Christmas Day for news networks.

Paula White’s criminality precedes her.

A cat is a loaded weapon.

Candy corn is the resistance of Halloween treats.