Tagged: Turkey

New opened eyes

Susan Sontag is the last, quality “public intellectual” the US has produced.

3% of socialists for neolib Buttigieg. What would Rosa Luxemburg think?!

Splinter News was shut down. A quick history of corporate overlords shutting down historic entities:

East India Company 1600-1874
Edsel 1956-1959
Splinter 2017-2019

One Splinter writer, Emma Roller,  did her “proudest work” for “vulture capitalists goons.”

The Splinter writers occupy a “contradictory class location”: neither prole nor owner of capital. (See E O Wright + a nod to Jeet Heer).

2 years is about the average life-span of a leftwing publication. It’s odd to hear its writers blame private equity ownership now when they accepted their paychecks for two years without a peep of disdain for neolib financing.

And, to be honest, it was surprising to learn AOC paid neolib prices for a posh haircut.

Trump’s next wife will come from Turkey.

Neolib Obama defended the Kurds. Trump “the Peacemaker” does not.

Purity politics is for religionists. I don’t know why an intelligent person like Warren feels a need to indulge in it.

The lights

Trump’s deplorables have been radicalized by Breitbart, Fox News, and extremist Christian academies.

Weak willed people are susceptible to the propaganda of a strongman like Trump. One sees the same phenomenon in Turkey and Russia.

Trump supporters are precisely the sort that “founders” like Hamilton and Madison worried about.

Worse yet, the Republican Party is acting as a fifth column.

The first act of Trump’s presidency is likely unconstitutional. It won’t be the last time this happens. The courts are the only thing that stand between democracy and dictatorship.

Prima Donald

It’s OK to be an indie person.

One person’s turncoat is another person’s realist.

Bond villains are always kitschy. They are not winning roles for any actor.

There have been no Russian incursions of Turkey’s sovereign airspace since its plane was downed.

There’s a difference between Republicans and Americans.

The perfect picture of American conservatism: armed and treasonous.

Two tribes

Putin versus Erdogan. Two dictators having a spat is not a pretty sight.

As the Diego Costa of international relations, Mr Putin faces the problem of a lack of credibility when he cries wolf.

As the kids say, “sh*t just got real” for Russia’s Eternal President.

I’m no friend of Erdogan (who himself is a very bad actor), but Mr Putin was warned about violating Turkey’s airspace (I believe when Russia’s model airplane/drone was shot down a few months ago). Now, he’s been taught a harsh lesson in the meaning of respect for the sovereignty of other nations, something he’s wilfully ignored in Ukraine.

It’s ironic to hear the Black Hand of Donetsk use the language of “stab in the back.” All of this could have been avoided if Mr Putin had respected the international law of sovereignty.

US versus Syrian refugees. Caterwauling emocons are afraid of their own shadows.