Tagged: MAGAts

Days of plague 8

Megyn Kelly’s journalistic reputation lies somewhere between that of Judith Miller and John Barron.

At this point, all Trump can do is shore up his racist base. The name Obama is political meth to this demographic.

In their obsession with owning the libs, so-called left, so-called independent journalists have become openly MAGAts.

I try to imagine wanting to own the libs so badly that I’d be willing to destroy my own reputation by pimping the lies of a chronic liar. Then I imagine I’m Ryan Grim.

Uranium has a half-life of 4+ billion years. The only things with a longer half-life are former Sanders campaign staff and journalistic hangers-on.

The family of Warren Harding will be eternally grateful for the Trump Presidency.

Walking higher

Tulsi Gabbard’s stirring defense of Trump on the floor of the House today will go down as her Gettysburg Address.

Populism is a form of authoritarianism.

Sarah Palin said ACA meant death panels. I guess this view has been rehabilitated for the purpose of supporting M4A.

AOC is just one tweet away from saying ACA is a death panel.

It doesn’t make sense to over-think Trump support. Hardcore MAGAts don’t care what he does, he’s their cult leader.

To the extent there are any rational Republican voters left, they’ll pick and choose what to ignore. The morally depraved ones will overlook Ukrainegate.

I’ve been to Salem. I saw them burning Trump. It smelled like sulphur.

🙏 for solitary confinement for Mike Flynn.

Musharraf death penalty = justice for Bhutto.

It’s heavy meta to read a media narrative about a “tempting media narrative.”

The culture industry of outrage.

Allegretto leggiermente

Everyone is watching the debate to see if Tulsi Gabbard speaks in Russian.

Harold Bloom no longer matters. He lost the war over “the canon.”

Jeet Heer managed to complete and tweet his senior thesis on Bloom, The Joker, Scorsese, and castration anxiety.

Even Michael Corleone testified in open Senate session.

Man up, Don Giuliani.

According to Jacobin magazine, Trump’s noble savages are not really responsible for Trumpism, only the super elite. And Obama.

Their “progressive views” on the economy apparently include racist views about racial/ethnic minorities and foreigners.

Compared to the Trump Crime Family’s business dealings at home and abroad, Hunter Biden is a paragon of virtuous entrepreneurial behavior.

The chav Eggsy is the prototype for Trump’s MAGAts.

Many parole violations would have occurred had Trump maintained accurate White House visitor logs.

Colleges are not job training centers.

Up the beach

It’s sad that Lindsay and Paris are no longer besties.

Bern has stalled out. Quite a come-down from 2016.

A network that harangues about “political correctness” is not likely to interdict a culture of sexual harassment.

An illegal immigrant sleeps in the White House at least three nights each week.

If tariffs hit oxy, MAGAts would turn on Trump.

Foreign policy will be largely irrelevant this cycle except for the case of Russia. Gabbard won’t make any friends talking up peace with Assad.

The critique of liberalism is what brought Schmitt into play in the Telos circle. Which is what is appealing about Schmitt to the reactionary right.

It does help that Schmitt identifies the core weakness of liberalism when under threat: its allergic reaction to power disempowers it to defeat its enemies.

Schmitt was not anathema in an earlier era. Both Reinhart Koselleck and Jurgen Habermas cited his work positively. Allegedly, the publication of the English translation of the Struckturwandel book was delayed for years because of its Schmitt references, which were removed.

Schmitt became relevant in a different way post 9/11 with the rise of a new friend/foe distinction in the “war on terror” (i.e., the novel legal category of “enemy combatant”).

D. C. B. A.-25

Bernie stans are laughable caricatures.

MAGAts are simply debased human beings.

Neoliberalism will prevail because today’s national populists are largely stupid and violent, more prone to turn on each other than on whatever conspiratorial enemy of the moment that is their fixation.

Bern’s net worth is the least of his problems.

The Devil is more likely to answer Franklin Graham’s prayers.

At least Meghan McCain is open in her defense of the only thing that gives her a platform: her last name. Without this last name, she would be nothing.

It’s hard to get worked up about rich people on a deadly thrill climb.

Walk this world

Eurovision is what the recent Met gala should have been.

Détournement has a temporary effect, nothing more.

Will Iran use children on the front line again as it did in its war with Iraq?

Westboro were MAGAts before there were MAGAts. Proto-MAGAts.

Fox News is a boutique for paranoid style politics and its adherents. There’s no need for Democrats to venture into a space that is impervious to reason.

Bernie is strapped for cash due to poor fundraising. Progs should jump to Warren, who is a better candidate than Sanders (less baggage and, obviously, no misogynistic following).

Biden is assuming that once Trump is out, Senate Republicans will have no interest in protecting his “legacy.” A better argument is that his coattails will be superior to those of non-Democrat Sanders (hence, flipping the Senate).

In reality, Biden has worked with the other guys (even during the Obama era). However, most of those guys have departed, and have been replaced by the children of Palin and Trump.

The US is filled with people who believe the Second Amendment gives them the right to be killed by a gun. They will never relinquish this right.

Victim of love


Americans don’t understand college admissions at all. So much ignorance in the age of Trump.

I have no problem with legacy admits or an admissions office giving extra-weight to non-traditional students (older than 18-22), or quarterbacks, or skilled flute players, or students from rural areas, students from impoverished urban areas, etc.

As the self-proclaimed leader of a revolution, perhaps Bernie will use an executive order to create single-payer and bypass the established legislative procedures.

Such an embarrassing moment for the Bernie supporter, but preserved forever.

Please note the macro-aggression came from a Sanders supporter. To be precise: it’s not the “far left”. It’s about the failure to see a distinction between liberalism and the current conservative/right-wing political formations.

Re MLB three batter rule for relievers: I can’t think of another major sport that specifies how long a player must play once they enter a game.

Putin has his Night Wolves, Trump has his MAGAts. Shock troops of reactionary politicians.