Tagged: Michael Tracey


Trump saying he’ll “no longer read” Christianity Today is like saying he’ll no longer cheat on his wife(ves).

Christianity Today basically said Trump’s soul is rotten from wallowing in sin.

Hard to disagree.

The Army and Naval academies made a bad decision. But at least we’ll know where to find white nationalists: they’ll wear uniforms.

Is Steve Bannon running these academies?

Officers with bad reputations were “fragged” in the Vietnam era.

Every Marx-inspired crisis theory since 1848 is basically a re-write of The Eighteenth-Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. See the latest New Republic.

There’s no virtue in a small donation. That’s the bizarre populist dogma that has infected the campaign.

Warren is polling at 17% nationally with women and 14% with African Americans. She needs to beef up those numbers or, like Bern, she’ll die in the southern primaries.

Banging on Buttigieg won’t help in this area.

Michael Tracey is famous for knowing the right way to be anti-Trump (e.g., Tulsi Gabbard) as oppose to the wrong way to be anti-Trump (e.g., Nancy Pelosi).

As opposed to Tracey, the revolutionary left are as unhappy with the impeachment as the hardcore MAGAts. Both sides realize it was a massive victory for the Democratic Party Establishment.

Thus the effort to downplay the impeachment or to suggest it was conducted on the wrong basis.

REV 22:20

A good night for the Democratic Party Establishment.

Predictably, impeachment is being downplayed on the revolutionary left.

I’ll write it again: Ethel Rosenberg was executed for less.

Cars honking in NYC as if the Giants won the Super Bowl.

For those keeping score: Trump is second Ivy Leaguer to be impeached.

I went to Salem recently and saw Trump strung up like a Burning Man statue and set afire. The locals danced in a circle around the flaming carnage.

When I visited Salem, I saw them burning Trumps. Little kids gathered the kindling from a nearby forest.

One time in Salem, I saw the locals drowning Trumps. It was gruesome but then Jesus appeared and the people were happy.

Gabbard’s Russian votes tonight are more damaging than anything HRC said about her.

Putin says: Spasibo Tulsi Michaelova!

I still think Tulsi is destined for a permanent seat on the Outnumbered couch.

The unhappiest person in the US today must be Michael Tracey.

Pelosi is a professional. And a boss.

She had to silence the Squad. And did so like a boss.

The outspoken pundit Cenk Uygur is finding that politics is actually hard.

Fat man

Bernie Sanders is disgusted by Bloomberg’s spending. Is Bern disgusted by the $2.5 million Bloomberg spent to elect gun reform Democrats in VA? Oh wait. Bern voted FOR the NRA and gun manufacturers.

The election is a referendum on Trump. Only the pundit class thinks it’s about something else.

Trump embodies the political and moral depravity of the Republican Party post-1965. He’s a terrific spectacle.

Trump’s handing out participation trophies now (to Jon Voight).

John Bolton is back on Twitter. Old porn stach is a welcome reminder of earlier, more decadent times.

Jacobin magazine says the all woman moderator panel at the recent debate was a defeat for feminism.

Indeed. Better to have male moderators pose bloviating questions about Evo Morales than to have female moderators pose serious questions about the defense of reproductive rights which matter to the Democratic Party electorate.

The working class is no longer all that. The shift from a production to a consumption economy means “class” means buying power and lifestyle, not what happens at the point of production.

Putin is behind the current chaos, for sure.

The next crisis will be caused by Glenn Greenwald.

Only Michael Tracey is more livid at Fiona Hill than Gym Jordan.

Only Michael Tracey is more upset than Trump at the news coverage of Ukrainegate hearings.

If Mike Pompeo rolled down a mountain, he would cause a landslide.

How will China’s economy develop without property theft?


It’s great to reach the age when you realize other people’s problems with your identity are really other people’s problems, not yours.

Then they can be easily and absolutely dismissed, banished to the limbo of bad theory and infantile ethics.


The saffron Mussolini will be seated in the Nats’ ballpark.

Speaking of which, the Deferment President described the demise of al-Baghdadi as follows:

He had dragged 3 of his young children with him. He reached the end of the tunnel as our dogs chased him down. He ignited his vest, killing himself and the 3 children.

I imagine that’s also how Donnie’s reign will end.


A million NRA hearts are broken as Maria Butina is deported back to her GRU desk job in Russia.

People are upset with Bernie Sanders over the answer he gave to a question about how to handle potentially violent interactions with the police. One has to remember that for Bern, police officers are part of the working class. Thus, they are part of his revolution.

Bill Maher is upset Hillary Clinton owned Tbilisi Gabbard who then owned herself by  moving towards a third party bid (as predicted by Hillary Clinton).

Bern had to come to the defense of one of his leading surrogates (Gabbard) or risk the charge of disloyalty from his cultish followers. He apparently doesn’t care that a fleet of Russian bots and other GRU measures have been launched to support Tulsi.

The Joker could just as well be Michael Tracey or Jeet Heer or anyone who writes for The Intercept, Jacobin magazine, or the defunct Splinternews.

I think all pundits and professional journalists are anxious to see Biden fall and someone else rise (Warren, Bern, even Buttigieg or Wang) just so they’ll have something interesting to write about. If Biden were to cruise to victory, the media bottom line would suffer.


Re Tulsi Gabbard:

One number to remember: 65 million.

That’s the number of Democratic votes for HRC in 2016.

Gabbard’s Trumpesque tweet is political death warrant. As a Democrat.

She’d be a great mainstream Republican. I tend to think that’s where she’ll wind up.

Gabbard represents a “sane” version of Republicanism. That’s why Meghan McCain is smitten with her.

Gabbardistas are shattered, though. Michael Tracey is so worked up about this, he’s completely forgotten the oppression of NRA moll Maria Butina.

In calmer moments, he would surely admit that the Russo-Republican fox has no place in the Democratic Party hen house.

However, it is rather confusing when Tulsi sounds like Trump who sounds like Chomsky.


From Jacobin magazine to the Boston Review, from Naomi Klein and to the Young Sparts: everyone agrees Obama was a neolib.

Will the King of the Cocaleros, Evo Morales, be President for Life? How many years in power are enough?