Tagged: plebiscite


Brexit was a political gambit by Mr Cameron to head off a challenge from the right by UKip/Fearage in the parliamentary election last year. He had to reverse course in a last ditch effort to stave off a disaster that would be an entirely Tory manufactured own goal. Now he’s out of a job.

Plebiscitary democracy has an ignoble history. Brexit is the latest chapter in that history.

Plebiscites are notoriously poor vehicles for democratic decision making and one doesn’t even have to resort to Godwinian references to find examples:

California’s Proposition 13 (1978)
California’s Proposition 209 (1996)
California’s Proposition 8 (2008)

The lot of the working class would still be miserable post-Brexit. Then who would they blame?

The problem for the poor is that the elite wind up winning anyway, no matter what the outcome is/was.

A Truth and Reconciliation Tribunal might be necessary given the extreme propaganda of the Brexiteers.

Once Scotland and Northern Ireland leave, it will be Tiny England.

Brexit remorse has already overcome the leading Leavetariat.

Nicola Sturgeon is the big winner. The fact that she’ll parlay Brexit into a second Scottish referendum makes her the most savvy politician in the UK.

The silver lining for Labour is that Mr Corbyn’s incompetent performance makes him more cullable than ever.