Tagged: Arsenal FC

Mambo miam miam

Coney Island’s former glory was always seedy and proleish. The effort to transform it into Disneyland is ludicrous.

Mesut Özil is the Footballer of the Year.

A book of Mr Putin’s speeches will be published. Unfortunately, they will never be as influential as Mr Stalin’s book on linguistics.

Meanwhile, in merry old England: Mssrs Corbyn, McDonnell, and Milne should be aware that history’s great purgers have often found themselves purged in the end, Robespierre, Yagoda, and Yezhov among them.

Get back together

Forget Harry Potter. Mesut Özil is a real wizard.

There’s nothing wrong with sanctuary cities. They should have given sanctuary to Cecil the Lion though.

At the moment, Adele is the greatest pop singer not named Taylor Swift or Katy Perry.

Gaga no longer qualifies as a pop artist. She’s now reached diva status.

The best thing about the film “Back to the Future” was the thumping volume of Huey Lewis and the News’ “The Power of Love.”

Canada reached peak cool during the reign of Margaret Trudeau.

Xi Jinping is the first pirate to meet a British monarch since Walter Raleigh. Arrr!

What do the simple folk do

Doctrine is faith for doctrinaire people.

The patriotic Russian economy has been reduced to rubble under the strong leadership of Mr Putin, who blames “foreign interests” for the collapse of his Potemkin Republic of Donetsk.

Oddly, the Cambridges did not visit the Chip Shop during their trip to Brooklyn.

Booing Arsene Wenger is like booing Father Christmas/Santa Claus.