Tagged: Nikolai Bukharin

Bedsit revolutionaries

Why is a grown man quoting Mao?

Under Mr Corbyn, Labour has become the Party of cheap stunts, the narcissistic ones of Mr Corbyn (national anthem-gate, poppy-gate, refusal to kneel-gate) and the frankly puzzling ones like the recitation of Mao by Mr McDonnell. Besides providing infinitely usable b-roll for Tory anti-Labour ads, it was politically tone daft: China’s Party Capitalists of today have more in common with Sir Walter Raleigh (piracy) than Mao.

The worst part was the selection of the kindergarten communism of the Little Red Book. Mr McDonnell could at least have read from Bukharin’s “ABC” book.

As I recall, Maoism fell out of favour in the West after Sartre ended his brief dalliance with it.