Tagged: Emma Roller

New opened eyes

Susan Sontag is the last, quality “public intellectual” the US has produced.

3% of socialists for neolib Buttigieg. What would Rosa Luxemburg think?!

Splinter News was shut down. A quick history of corporate overlords shutting down historic entities:

East India Company 1600-1874
Edsel 1956-1959
Splinter 2017-2019

One Splinter writer, Emma Roller,  did her “proudest work” for “vulture capitalists goons.”

The Splinter writers occupy a “contradictory class location”: neither prole nor owner of capital. (See E O Wright + a nod to Jeet Heer).

2 years is about the average life-span of a leftwing publication. It’s odd to hear its writers blame private equity ownership now when they accepted their paychecks for two years without a peep of disdain for neolib financing.

And, to be honest, it was surprising to learn AOC paid neolib prices for a posh haircut.

Trump’s next wife will come from Turkey.

Neolib Obama defended the Kurds. Trump “the Peacemaker” does not.

Purity politics is for religionists. I don’t know why an intelligent person like Warren feels a need to indulge in it.