Tagged: Saturday Night Live

Warm, in your coat

Some people say that Ivanka Trump is complicit. But I think once she’s under oath, she’ll spill the beans. She won’t want to face a perjury charge and wind up in an “Orange Is the New Black” situation.

Sean Spicer works for “President Trump.”

Like Romans on the eve of the Dark Ages, this is the last chance for Britons to experience the cultural achievements of Western civilization. Before Brexit kicks in.

A forward-thinking entrepreneur will create an app for “Brexit brides.”

Hairless heart

It is difficult to make a natural born buffoon sound even more buffoonish, but Mr Baldwin carries it off in his portrayal of Trump. The bit about Trump confusing a photo of himself with a plate of mashed potatoes is SNL at its Dadaish best.

The French Left was once the top left in the world, laden with intellectual giants (Sartre, de Beauvoir, Foucault, Althusser, etc.), who brought theoretical sophistication and panache to the grubby world of politics. Its apparent demise is shocking.

Italy is in need of a new political Barbarossa.

At least the populist menace was thwarted at the Austrian border.