Tagged: Tucker Carlson

Station to station

“Fake drape” is serious camp shade Rand Paul threw at Lindsey Graham.

According to Jacobin magazine, philanthropy just delays the immiseration that is necessary to propel the proles fully into class struggle.

I told them it is best to use the wealthy to finance the revolution and then, when the dictatorship of the proles is in effect, declare the superrich class enemies, kulaks or whatever, and subject them to collectivization and shock work.

Tucker Carlson could quite easily be a Jacobin contributor.

Now that the Sussexes have de-royaled, the stumblebum Markle father must be bereft that his cash flow will be crimped.

Trump’s visible disability during today’s podium performance shocked Republican Senators.

As I wrote in real time, “CLOTUS is drugged, could barely keep his right eyelid open. Shuffling, sniffling, slurring junkie.”

Obama makes Trump bleed from his wherever.

Susan Sarandon and Michael Moore are eating a big platter of crow. Sarandon put some nonsense on tape about Trump the Peacemaker that will live in eternity.

Basically, Mar-a-Lago is the biggest whorehouse in Florida.