Category: conservatism

The phantom progressives

It must be galling to the progressive community in NYC that Buffalo elected a socialist mayor, while NYC is on the way to electing an ex-cop. Buffalo is, however, the exception to the rule. The current “left” is politically inept. For example, Bernie and his bros spent more time bashing Warren and Buttigieg (who never threatened to win the nomination) than Biden (who never trailed). Only too late did chapo-class journalists realize the danger, and hence the “Dementia Joe” threads (Bragman) and Tara Reade Hoax (Halper & Grim) came into existence.

In the case of the NYC Democratic-mayoral primary, the progs blew up Stringer and Morales, failed to read the room (Defund was a no-go during an incipient “crime wave”), and, in desperation, latched onto an absolute lightweight (Maya Wiley), which has cost AOC a good deal of credibility. Meanwhile, the ex-cop (Adams) coasted to the lead in the 1st choice ranking.

Despite being an ex-cop (and how embarrassing is that for the left?), Adams put together the multicultural/multi-class coalition that progs talk about but never actually achieve, since they were basically appealing to monied types in Park Slope, the UWS, gentrified Williamsburg, Bushwick and Bed-Stuy, and the Hamptons.


The MyPillock Guy is taking heat for revising the date on which Trump will be “reinstated.” To be fair, it’s almost 2000 years and there’s been no Second Coming yet. Trump’s return will surely take much longer.


Absence of multilingualism is one hallmark of cultural ignorance.

The post-Tr*mp QGOP is millenarian. They share more in common with Bo and Peep of Heaven’s Gate fame than The Gipper or The Great Emancipator.

Tr*mp never wins. He declares bankruptcy.

Some county in North Carolina banned Coke vending machines because the company criticized NC’s voter suppression laws. At least they didn’t ban hashish vending machines.

It is fun to watch employers pony up to hire workers. Better a labor shortage than a reserve army of labor

The year of reading tea leaves redux: the emocons

In light of recent right-wing insurrectionist violence in the US Capitol, I’m re-upping bits and pieces from an older blog, written in response to the emergence of the Tea Party in 2009-10 . . .

10 October 2010

Regarding emotion, it is worth noting that a trend has emerged from the conservative milieu that may portend a new political orientation — if not a new political style — in American politics. Nine years ago, the “neocons” rose to power, bringing with them a confident and assertive view of America’s place in the world. The “new American century” called for forceful action from the world’s only superpower; and by pulling off the invasion of Iraq (a plan laid out in position papers during the 1990s), the new American centurions didn’t allow a crisis to go to waste.


A mere six years after the shock and awe of March 2003 and the triumphant days that followed the fall of Baghdad, the neocons and their grand vision have been swept away. However, a new group has stepped into the political void, a group that could be called the “emocons,” whose affect-laden public discourse stands in marked contrast to the aggressive, self-confidence seen in the typical neocon performances of Rumsfeld, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Perle, et al. The emocons have taken their place on the public stage in a variety roles, as politicians, as pundits, as police officers demanding public apologies, and even as ordinary citizens. The heartfelt emotion portrayed in the tearful performances of Glenn Beck is echoed by the Delaware “Birther” who cried out, during a public meeting, “I want my country back,” like a child who has had her favorite toy taken away (fortunately, the aggrieved Birther found comfort in a recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance). Yet, it is the emergence of emocon politicians in recent months that has been most striking: from Die Leiden des mittelältlichen Sanfords, the South Carolina governor who found himself torn between two lovers, whose copious tears held viewers of his unscripted press conference riveted, and whose passionate emails to his “soulmate” from the Southern Hemisphere offered a modest challenge to the lyricism achieved by Goethe (or The Young and the Restless); to the pouting visage of Senator Jefferson Beauregard Sessions (R- Alabama) as he sat — passive-aggressively — in confrontation with a Latina who declared herself to be wiser than him; to Governor Palin’s star turn as a sympathetic (not empathetic) victim of the machinations of Hollywood (i.e., anti-hunting, anti-gun actors), of New York (i.e., The Media, also known as those who are “makin’ things up” about her), and of Washington D.C. (i.e., elected officials who are currently exercising the authority granted to them by “the People” — as per the Constitution — as a result of free elections). It is not clear whether the emocons have a common agenda or set of policy prescriptions apart from tugging at the heartstrings of the American public. But the pathos and bathos of this group is certainly fun to watch.

Ramble on

Libertarianism is the political boutique tendency.

Only naive EFF types thought the “web” could ever be non-toxic.

Elisabeth Moss needs to come under more scrutiny.

Bernie was one of the few New Left who didn’t break with the CCCP. He did march with Dr King, though.

Xenophobia and garden variety cultural ressentiment: the elixir of populism.

The question is whether populist outrage, as channeled by Sanders, is a winning strategy? Didn’t work for him in 2016 and it’s not working for him so far for 2020.

Bern’s anger-based politics has him in danger of slipping behind Warren.

D’Souza is another example of why it isn’t good to give felons the franchise. (see Flynn, Manafort, Limbaugh).

Für uns, gibts nicht.


I hope the Democratic candidates will address the new Jane Crow laws that have popped up in MAGAstates (Ohio, Georgia, and Alabama).

Trump is buying votes again.

Men are the weaker sex.

In 2016, pundits assessed Biden as the most consequential (in a positive way) VP in history. Now pundits are rewriting their own history re Biden.

Nature is, frankly, hostile.

Ben Shapiro is another alt-right meathead with a massive following in prisons.

Let’s end all the whatabouts: there’s only one Notre-Dame de Paris.

If people in red states are OK with promiscuous gun laws, then why should anyone care when the laws enable fresh massacres there?

Is that all there is?


Sarah Sanders (Ouachita Baptist University Class of 2004) says “I don’t think Congress — particularly not this group of congressmen and women — are smart enough to look through the thousands of pages that I would assume that President Trump’s taxes will be.”

It’s nice that Bernie Sanders took time out from bashing a woman (Neera Tanden) to brag about himself (book sales).

Sanders is playing the victim card, just as his incelish Berniebros do. His narcissism is trending towards the authoritarianism of his Berniebros.

Glenn Greenwald has lost his best bros to defection (Snowden) and incarceration (Assange).