Tagged: William Tecumseh Sherman

Spice of choice

Cold cheeseburgers, fake gold candelabras, and a Russian mole were not enticing to the Virginia men’s basketball team.

Conspiracy theorists do hyperbole better than anyone else.

Now that Oliver North is back in the news, it’s a good time to remember Fawn Hall. She was to perms what Jared Leto is to manbuns.

But back to Oliver North. Pictures of Wayne LaPierre in bondagewear certainly gives him leverage.

Maria Butina went through the old male NRA leaders quicker than Metamucil.

Celebrity criticism isn’t real criticism. It is a conduit of the entertainment-industrial complex.

There’s nothing to stop anyone from giving inaccurate responses to census questions. It’s one way to disrupt biopolitics.

Put statues of William Tecumseh Sherman in every southern city, town, and village.

We really don’t celebrate the burning of Atlanta enough.

Biden raised $6.3M in 24 hours. Cue the compulsory outrage from the Justice Democrats.