Tagged: Yanis Varoufakis

… like a girl

USWNT win the World Cup.


It was brilliant to schedule the Gold Cup Final on the same day as the World Cup in France. It illustrates the gap between the American men and women. If anything, it shows the American men should be paid less than the American women.

Neoliberalism and the establishment media hold back the US men’s team.

Cory Booker is more sorry that he’s polling at 1%-3%

Booker just realized he can no longer ride Harris’ coattails on the busing issue. He’s likely more disturbed by the fact that his poll numbers remain as low as they were before he chimed in.

I love Bern’s email blasts, full of desperate pleading and seething with resentment. I think he and his team know his revolution is quixotic, and that his nomination hopes lack any basis in political reality.

Tsipras was schooled by Merkel and played by Varoufakis. Now he’s out of power.

Pelosi has been chewing up and spitting out political newbies like AOC for years.

AOC is a Perónista. Go figure.

The only thing missing from Trump’s militaristic Fourth of July was Leni Riefenstahl.

Pas attendre

The bailout of Greece is a done deal. Tsipras and Varoufakis were walkovers for Ms Merkel. Game theory, set, match.

Wafels & Dinges is the best food cart in NYC.

Heathers was the best American movie of the 1980s.

Pink Floyd were done after Syd left.

Reverend Huckabee is headed to the Middle East to be on hand for The Rapture.

Clock strikes ten

The shift from humourless intersectionality to ironic, lifestyle feminism is welcome. Thank you, Ms Dunham.


In the wake of the Greece debacle (for Mr Tsipras and the demagogue Varoufakis), talk of the final days of capitalism is sure to ensue. It’s worth remembering that the end of capitalism was just around the corner. In 1848. The final crisis of capitalism never quite happened. Hence, in its place there arose the “crisis of crisis theory” (Claus Offe). Anyone recall the “falling rate of profit”?

Capitalism is always innovativing, which Marx recognised. Methods of procuring profit are revolutionised constantly; whatever does not work, is abandoned. What Marx failed to recognise was the role that the state would play in extending the shelf life of capitalism well beyond his worst fears. The state is not merely the “executive committee” of the bourgeoisie in its struggle against the working class; it is also an engine of capitalist expansion. Most importantly, the state makes the ethereal, invisible hand quite visible to investors.

The term “postcapitalism” is a fudge on the fact that it’s still capitalism (or “late capitalism” as per Adorno). Mr Graeber is, at best, a theorist of the “last crisis,” not the “next crisis” and certainly not the “final crisis,” which never arrives anyway. My advice: don’t waste time enrolling in Potlatch Economics 101.

If we could just join hands

This is the beginning of the end of American football. Kudos to Chris Borland. When youth leagues and high schools can no longer afford insurance, American football will be extinct.

Ranchers in eastern Oregon are very upset about the presence of 77 wolves who have killed two of their cattle. Why don’t the wolves eat the ranchers. Problem solved.

Yanis Varoufakis has proved to be a Socialist de robe.

Dystopian narratives are the expression of a fundamentally conservative mindset.

Occasionally, the Pope is infallible, such as his opposition to capital punishment.