Tagged: Berners

Celebration day


Re Bernie Sander’s failed campaign.

The NY Times has its take.

What is unaddressed in the NY Times piece is the incompetence of Bern’s campaign staff, from top to bottom.

I’ve commented before that his campaign staff is historically inept. Moreover, his surrogates are what one can only describe as regrettable. His revolution/movement has more of the markings of a cult than a political campaign. That probably explains why it “went wrong.”

Today, David Sirota is inviting critics to engage in virtual fistfights with him. This is how populist campaigns end.Bern knew he would never win over black voters. So he thought he could counter that deficit by winning white proles massively (ala Trump) and bringing in people who had never voted before. The latter group was, by definition, unreliable, and the former group broke for Biden.Because of the Bern campaign’s ideological spin about itself, it could never acknowledge to itself that black voters don’t like Bern and that his only chance to win was to win the white vote massively. But they couldn’t disparage southern primaries again (as Bern had in 2016).

To this day, Berners persist in the fantasy that Pelosi is not a master politician.

I mean compare her to Bern, Speaker of the House versus a man who has been destroyed in two consecutive nomination campaigns.

She who makes Trump bleed from his wherever to he who names post offices.