Tagged: democracy

I got no idols

I will never give up avocados. No virtue signaling here.

It has more to do with narcissistic self-hugging than practical politics.

When the professional outragetariat is put out of business.

Not if it’s pure and snortable.

2018: one of the worst years for film in decades.

What would Bentham do? I mean the full Bentham.

National Populism must be defeated wherever it pops up. Only barbarians ignore the rule of law.

In a true democracy, bad decisions are always reversible.

Hwylio mewn cyfog

Western democracies have been around for two centuries. There’s no revolutionary force in existence of any sufficient weight, whether progressive or regressive (i.e., today’s gutter populism), to suggests there’s a threat of their demise on the near or distant horizon.

The endless stream of “end of this or that” columns (e.g., the end of liberalism, the end of neoliberalism, the end of the elite, the end of the state, the end of globalization, etc.) is a shopworn brand of political prognostication. It does show, however, the futility of ideology critique in the era of late capitalism and the worldwide culture industry (as per Adorno), whether immanent or transcendental.

The critical question is whether today’s forces of regression (e.g., Brexiteers in the UK, Deplorables in the US) are strong enough to undo all democratic institutions without facing significant resistance from the forces of enlightenment and reason.