Tagged: Young Spartacists


Re Tulsi Gabbard:

One number to remember: 65 million.

That’s the number of Democratic votes for HRC in 2016.

Gabbard’s Trumpesque tweet is political death warrant. As a Democrat.

She’d be a great mainstream Republican. I tend to think that’s where she’ll wind up.

Gabbard represents a “sane” version of Republicanism. That’s why Meghan McCain is smitten with her.

Gabbardistas are shattered, though. Michael Tracey is so worked up about this, he’s completely forgotten the oppression of NRA moll Maria Butina.

In calmer moments, he would surely admit that the Russo-Republican fox has no place in the Democratic Party hen house.

However, it is rather confusing when Tulsi sounds like Trump who sounds like Chomsky.


From Jacobin magazine to the Boston Review, from Naomi Klein and to the Young Sparts: everyone agrees Obama was a neolib.

Will the King of the Cocaleros, Evo Morales, be President for Life? How many years in power are enough?