Tagged: Scores

No shoe strings on Louise


If losing is winning, then Trump is a big loser.

The descendants of Warren Harding are thankful for Trump.

Re his counterpart: what’s ironic is Sanders uses the Democratic Party when it is convenient to him, but then inveighs against the Party’s rules. He lacks the courage to run for president as an independent.

I’m not sure what power Rep. Omar has besides trafficking in reprehensible conspiracy theories. I don’t see any legislation coming from her corner, which would be what power in Congress entails, not just street corner cred.

Picking dumb fights using boorish rhetoric is not a winning strategy. Although it worked for Trump. Maybe he’s her political role model. She’s already started in on Obama.

Max Rose may be the only one of the newbie Democrats to amount to something in terms of legislation.

Kids is brills, as is Spring Breakers.

People ask me why Trump is consorting with the south Florida madame. Realize he can’t just pop into Scores like he used to.

The professional outragetariat are up in arms about Alyssa Milano, who identified herself in various ways.

I’m trans. I’m a person of color. I’m an immigrant. I’m a lesbian. I’m a gay man. I’m the disabled.

I’m everything. And so are you, Kirk.

Don’t be afraid of what you don’t know or understand. No one wants to hurt you. We are all just looking for our happily ever after.

Do they really think Milano needs their permission (or anyone else’s) to speak her mind and identify herself as she pleases?