Tagged: Public Advocate

I don’t wanna go


The presence of Trump in the Oval is the smoking gun.

Putin threatened to nuke the US and Trump said nothing. No response. Paid not to respond.

Will Roberts, Alito, and Kavanaugh be disowned by the Federalist Society when they side with Executive Power?

Many of Trump’s slams are delightfully self-referential.

The need to be first causes media outlets to report things that aren’t true. It just feeds into the “fake news” narrative of right-wingers and other irrationals. Be right, not first.

It’s sad to see news reporters behaving like sports journalists. There’s a reason why sports reporters aren’t front page news reporters.

The teaching of scientific facts and historical facts is an end in itself. Time to stop justifying higher ed in relation to philistine purposes.

Robert Kraft should know from his friendship with Trump that outcall is the way to go.

3x remakes don’t merit Academy Awards.

The Public Advocate position is the soft landing spot for term limited pols.

Voir dire gives one terrifying insight into the reality of a “jury of one’s peers.”

“Progressives” need to avoid becoming caricatures of the conservative imagination.