Tagged: Ron Paul

Sorry angel

Where is the American Gandhi?

Remember when Franklin Graham, Ron Paul, and Steven Seagal locked arms with Mr Putin? (March 2014)

Williamsburg has lost the “It” factor.

Thomas Pikkety’s Capital is the critical hipsters’ top choice so far for book of 2014. I’ll go with Howard Eiland and Michael Jennings’ Walter Benjamin: A Critical Life as a solid second.

There’s no good reason to ship artistic treasures around the world.

Another billionaire speaks (Carlos Slim). A world turns a deaf ear (wisely).

Will anything happen?

Edward Snowden, Franklin Graham, Ron Paul, and Steven Seagal are standing shoulder to shoulder with Mr Putin, a clear victory for Russia.

Take pity on bar staff. Dealing with alcoholics every night can’t be fun or rewarding.

The ark in the new Noah biopic looks large enough to house a few dinosaurs.

Since WWII, the only good things in life have come from California, particularly the California lifestyle.

The California earthquakes are a distraction from Benghazi.

Can the subaltern speak

A column by Ross Douthat only makes one long for the real insight of a David Riesman.

The soft launch of Mr Klein’s media empire has been as troubled as that of Mr Greenwald.

Kill the professors!

Why haven’t the Reddit vigilantes found MH370 yet?

Stereotypes are totes wrong. Like the one about Upper East Side mothers carrying their babies in Birkin bags.

Crazy old coot.