Tagged: Narendra Modi


It’s worth remembering that xenophobic violence erupted in the former East against “Auslander,” just a year after the Mauerfall.

Jacobin magazine is down in the mouth over the collapse of East Germany. I understand their disappointment. When the wall was transgressed, those East Germans headed straight to Kaufhaus des Westens. Total neolibs even after 40 years of the best socialist education in the Soviet bloc! Amazing!

The Stasi was why Ossis couldn’t have nice things.

Gregor Gysi would have been a brilliant replacement for Honecker.

Putin went from busting kneecaps in a decrepit Friedrichshain dungeon to bombing civilians in Aleppo as Russia’s Eternal President.


Re Elizabeth Warren: Ordinary people won’t read policy papers. Soundbites recycled through repetitive stump speeches drill home the gist of the matter.

The key for Democrats is to reach low information voters in swing states, who were once the backbone of Republican Party support.

I recall the day Beauregard Sessions quaked in the presence of a “wise Latina.”

All Bern talks about these days is extinguishing billionaires.

AOC has to be careful not to damage her brand by associating with a losing campaign.

Modi’s boot is pressing on the neck of India’s judiciary.

Over now

Led Zeppelin III is an under-rated album. The gems are “Immigrant Song,” “Out on the Tiles,” and “Friends.” The surprisingly violent imagery of “Hats Off to (Roy) Harper” revealed to me the deep foundation of misogyny on which American blues tradition is built. The only clunker is the over-wrought “Since I’ve Been Loving You.” The album cover packaging was an added bonus.

The installation of Narendra Modi in India as Prime Minister is disturbing and potentially tragic. For the region and for women.

Michael Gove could have chosen to appropriate writers from the former colonies by referring to their works as literature of the British diaspora.

Marine Le Pen is sponsoring a neo-Fascist International.

The morning after

The migration of monotheists from Europe ruined the Americas.

Some of my best friends are European monotheists.

Elizabeth Warren in 2016? Doubtful. Both Warren and Hillary Clinton are to the left of Obama on domestic policy. Warren has no record in foreign policy whatsoever. Clinton has massive financial support and institutional ties throughout the Democratic Party establishment. Warren has no Obama-like charisma to overcome Clinton’s gravitas.

Karl Marx knew when to break off relationships with bad men like Hegel and Bakunin.

Morrissey abandoned twitter. Or perhaps he was never really there. It was all a miserable lie.

What difference does it make.

All Morrisseyiana is welcomed, however. I often complete my own thoughts with a line lifted from the great man.

Nationalism is a 19th century affair. Nationalism, as a form of barbarism, can’t be eradicated. All one can do is point it out, criticize it, empathize with its victims, and mock its perpetrators.

Facts rarely deter fear-mongerers and those who are susceptible to them.

The firing of Jill Abramson is a distraction from Benghazi.