Tagged: Wizard of Oz

Adieu créature

An anonymous complaint about the previous post and an apology:

On behalf of the International League of Flying Primates, I do wish to formally condemn the prejudice put forth in this column against airborne simians.

We still combat the propaganda of 1939 put forth in a Hollywood film which portrayed us in a shamefully degrading manner. We were at the time a colony of a foreign power which, as it may be pointed out, sought remedy against an injustice perpetrated against the sister of our former leader.

Nevertheless, we are a stable, forward-thinking republic of freedom-loving brachypterous apes. To associate our legal skills with the Trump association is a grievous slight. Please understand that it causes our membership great offense to compare us with the hairless bipeds of the Trump racketeering organization.

That is your last counseling session. Should it occur again, you will be struck unawares with an aerial poo bombardment.

My sincere apologies to the ILFP and any unaffiliated airborne simians.


Trump says Germany owes “vast sums” to NATO. Coincidentally, Trump owes “vast sums” to his former contractors.

A “conservative columnist” has been diagnosed with Maddow envy.

The southern border wall must be high enough for “the President” to have a great fall.