Tagged: Christianity Today

The next best American record

Jane Lynch is correct.

Nonetheless, Ellen and Jane Lynch are officially class enemies. Modern day kulaks!

Wine cave-gate blew up in Warren’s face. She thought she could pick up love from Berniebros/brosettes w/ the winecave stunt. Now that we know she held her own winecave fundraiser, she’s destroyed her campaign.

Which shows that many political attacks are self-referential.

Shows the limits of the class war/class enemies trip Bern and Warren have been on.

It’s good that Joe the Plumber still has stans.

Let’s face it. There’s a homophobic undercurrent to the current Pete hate, especially from Berners and Warren stans.

They are a nasty lot, mocking Biden’s stutter long before the loathsome Sarah Sanders did so.

Amazing how Berners and Warren stans are unnerved by Buttigieg.

Tulsi is running for present.

In the Kremlin, Trump’s codename is Baba Yaga.

Reporters are like fiction writers. They must constantly invent new storylines. Unlike fiction writers, they must produce content on deadline.

So Trump as LBJ 2.0 is a foreseeable plot.

Christianity Today overlooked the Trump-Hicks tryst, but the quid pro quo from bozo was one sin too many.

The retirement of David Letterman devastated the late-night TV landscape.


Trump saying he’ll “no longer read” Christianity Today is like saying he’ll no longer cheat on his wife(ves).

Christianity Today basically said Trump’s soul is rotten from wallowing in sin.

Hard to disagree.

The Army and Naval academies made a bad decision. But at least we’ll know where to find white nationalists: they’ll wear uniforms.

Is Steve Bannon running these academies?

Officers with bad reputations were “fragged” in the Vietnam era.

Every Marx-inspired crisis theory since 1848 is basically a re-write of The Eighteenth-Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte. See the latest New Republic.

There’s no virtue in a small donation. That’s the bizarre populist dogma that has infected the campaign.

Warren is polling at 17% nationally with women and 14% with African Americans. She needs to beef up those numbers or, like Bern, she’ll die in the southern primaries.

Banging on Buttigieg won’t help in this area.

Michael Tracey is famous for knowing the right way to be anti-Trump (e.g., Tulsi Gabbard) as oppose to the wrong way to be anti-Trump (e.g., Nancy Pelosi).

As opposed to Tracey, the revolutionary left are as unhappy with the impeachment as the hardcore MAGAts. Both sides realize it was a massive victory for the Democratic Party Establishment.

Thus the effort to downplay the impeachment or to suggest it was conducted on the wrong basis.