Tagged: Mike Lindell

Four motets

Oddly, no one talks about defund, dismantle, and abolish when it comes to Weinstein and Maxwell.

Failed football men like Louis Riddick are clutching pearls like it is the end of the world. It is good to see failed masculinity come out of the closet.

Biden approval rating at 59%. Protip to QGOP: Dr Seuss, the border no one cares about, and violent insurrection is not a winning hand.

Nothing Democrats do will ever top the QGOP insurrection.

Rush Limbaugh Day is now set for February 30th.

Single factor explanations, such as neoliberalism is the cause of the policing crisis or the cause of male pattern baldness, are weak on the reality scale.

Castro stepped down in Cuba. When will the Black Hand of Donetsk step down?

The My Pillock guy is living up to his cognitive reputation.

Like Wilbur Whateley, neither Representative Green nor Representative Boebert had bones.

Mike Pompeo broke several of the Ten Commandments, just to own The Rapture.