Tagged: revanchism


The Trump campaign circus is now the Trump transition team circus.

The Nigel Farage power play came to naught. He remains a right-wing carpetbagger sans portfolio.

The new antisemitism will be directed by the alt-right guru who will take up residence in the office of the White House chief of staff.

Rather than “draining the swamp,” Mr Trump is filling it with his own children and his childish twitter bile.

The (failed) materialist assumption is that people who flock to Farage, Le Pen, Trump, and the AfD are responding to economic conditions. In reality, they are simply politicizing the culture of hate that is part of their traditional way of life. What needs rethinking is the state of the cultural conflict between the forces of reason and enlightenment and the forces of petty revanchism and historical backwardness.

Rough riders

One reason the normalization of US-Cuba relations happened now is that the anti-Castro Cuban vote can no long swing presidential elections in Florida. The most hardened revanchists have entered their graveyard years.

The NY Yankees are poised to plunder the goldmine of Cuban baseball talent.

Authentic avant-gardistas like Duchamp would approve of the whitewash of Banksy’s “works.”


The majority of Americans are not cathected to the embargo against Cuba. Miami, the old stronghold of anti-Castro sentiment, is now dominated by other Latin Americans who arrived via first class accommodations rather than by raft. Revanchists like Mr Rubio are tilting against a tsunami of indifference.

Kitsch pleases, but does not edify. As per Kant, it is neither beautiful nor sublime. However, this is not true of ironic kitsch (called “pre-emptive kitsch” here).

Not even the Vatican Patriarchs desire to tangle with nuns.

The unchurched are a potential bulwark against future state sponsored torture.