Tagged: Dixiecrats

Nowhere near

Trump’s 2016 promise to bring the troops home won him accolades from disappointed Berniebros/brosettes, who said HRC was an imperialist warmonger ala Kissinger.

The bros/brosettes are silent about Trump now, but still maintain he was better than Clinton in their tweetstreams.

Drones are not a topic of polite conversation unless it turns to the topic of Amazon delivering the Collected Works of Lenin via airborne tech.

Such is life’s irony.

Imagine Cotton Mather or Torquemada with facial recognition technology. A truly terrifying thing.

Goldens represent bourgeois/suburban respectability; German shepherds are working class canines; mutts are the surplus army of canines (i.e., lumpenproles).

Biden was bashed for saying he got things done with Dixiecrats of yore.

I doubt anti-black/anti-brown proles can become a key demographic within a Warren or Sanders “coalition” without extreme dialectical massaging.

To mix OK Boomer and OK Millennial metaphors: Bern is soft on white supremacy.

Sadly, Bern failed to integrate Burlington schools while he was mayor.

Why is Bernie’s surrogate Cardi B selling product for a billion dollar corporation (Pepsico)?

Re Warren: A century ago, unions fought to limit the workday to 8 hours.

What’s the justification for keeping children in school for 10 hours? (as per Warren’s plan).