Tagged: conspiracy thinking

Incitement to disgust

Want rules over need in economies based on consumption, not thrift. Asceticism is anachronistic.

Envy of the rich and hatred of the poor are co-dependent on each other. Neither emotion should be affirmed.

Simple language is for simple minds.

Americans tend to exaggerate; everything is the biggest, the most beautiful, the greatest. If you disagree with them, they call you little and sad.

Rights are taken, not given. They don’t fall down from heaven.

The Assad dictatorship has a track record of brutality. Ignore that at your own peril.

Conspiracy thinking is rife today. Those who doubt even their own existence are complicit with Assad and Putin.

Conspiracy thinking is insincerity par excellence. Taken to its logical end, conspiracy thinkers must consider that their own thoughts might be part of a conspiracy. And then the doors of the mental ward close behind them.

Alas, we are beset by fools and mountebanks.

Flowers and beads

American Presidents don’t wear hats unless they are from Texas.

Football + fashion = concussion couture (Tommy Hilfiger).

I think what people say in red states is “if it’s broke, don’t fix it.”

Mr Biden has to deal with Republican extremists every single day.

Judicial activism by conservative judges must end (injunction against immigration reform).

There are only two football gods: Zlatan and Messiah.

I laughed out loud at your conspiracy theory (every day to the political cyberspace).