Tagged: Maria Butina


It’s great to reach the age when you realize other people’s problems with your identity are really other people’s problems, not yours.

Then they can be easily and absolutely dismissed, banished to the limbo of bad theory and infantile ethics.


The saffron Mussolini will be seated in the Nats’ ballpark.

Speaking of which, the Deferment President described the demise of al-Baghdadi as follows:

He had dragged 3 of his young children with him. He reached the end of the tunnel as our dogs chased him down. He ignited his vest, killing himself and the 3 children.

I imagine that’s also how Donnie’s reign will end.


A million NRA hearts are broken as Maria Butina is deported back to her GRU desk job in Russia.

People are upset with Bernie Sanders over the answer he gave to a question about how to handle potentially violent interactions with the police. One has to remember that for Bern, police officers are part of the working class. Thus, they are part of his revolution.

Bill Maher is upset Hillary Clinton owned Tbilisi Gabbard who then owned herself by  moving towards a third party bid (as predicted by Hillary Clinton).

Bern had to come to the defense of one of his leading surrogates (Gabbard) or risk the charge of disloyalty from his cultish followers. He apparently doesn’t care that a fleet of Russian bots and other GRU measures have been launched to support Tulsi.

The Joker could just as well be Michael Tracey or Jeet Heer or anyone who writes for The Intercept, Jacobin magazine, or the defunct Splinternews.

I think all pundits and professional journalists are anxious to see Biden fall and someone else rise (Warren, Bern, even Buttigieg or Wang) just so they’ll have something interesting to write about. If Biden were to cruise to victory, the media bottom line would suffer.


Re Tulsi Gabbard:

One number to remember: 65 million.

That’s the number of Democratic votes for HRC in 2016.

Gabbard’s Trumpesque tweet is political death warrant. As a Democrat.

She’d be a great mainstream Republican. I tend to think that’s where she’ll wind up.

Gabbard represents a “sane” version of Republicanism. That’s why Meghan McCain is smitten with her.

Gabbardistas are shattered, though. Michael Tracey is so worked up about this, he’s completely forgotten the oppression of NRA moll Maria Butina.

In calmer moments, he would surely admit that the Russo-Republican fox has no place in the Democratic Party hen house.

However, it is rather confusing when Tulsi sounds like Trump who sounds like Chomsky.


From Jacobin magazine to the Boston Review, from Naomi Klein and to the Young Sparts: everyone agrees Obama was a neolib.

Will the King of the Cocaleros, Evo Morales, be President for Life? How many years in power are enough?

Spice of choice

Cold cheeseburgers, fake gold candelabras, and a Russian mole were not enticing to the Virginia men’s basketball team.

Conspiracy theorists do hyperbole better than anyone else.

Now that Oliver North is back in the news, it’s a good time to remember Fawn Hall. She was to perms what Jared Leto is to manbuns.

But back to Oliver North. Pictures of Wayne LaPierre in bondagewear certainly gives him leverage.

Maria Butina went through the old male NRA leaders quicker than Metamucil.

Celebrity criticism isn’t real criticism. It is a conduit of the entertainment-industrial complex.

There’s nothing to stop anyone from giving inaccurate responses to census questions. It’s one way to disrupt biopolitics.

Put statues of William Tecumseh Sherman in every southern city, town, and village.

We really don’t celebrate the burning of Atlanta enough.

Biden raised $6.3M in 24 hours. Cue the compulsory outrage from the Justice Democrats.

Raindrops on roses


Soon Trump will be listed as “John No 1” on an indictment.

A family that does outcall together, stays together.

Dan Bongino and R Kelly are textbook cases of masculine hysteria.

Rep. Omar despises Obama as much as Trump does.

What team does Rep. Omar play for? (loyalty card alert)

Casual antisemitism is morally corrosive. It has to be called out (as in the case of Rep. Omar).

One would think that any newbie in a safe Democratic seat who has any weakness will be primaried. The risk reward ratio for a challenger is quite favorable.

The Devil went down to … Alabama.


Who would line up to receive a Bible signed by the Devil?

Like the Bible in The Ninth Gate.


The Smiting has got to be the best part about being God.

Chelsea Manning can share stories about Assange with Maria Butina in lockup.

Re Manafort: without mandatory sentences, sentencing is discretionary. And no one wants mandatory sentences, which take away the discretion of judges.

Re US Women’s National Soccer Team’s gender discrimination lawsuit: Why even field a men’s team that has never won anything? Put all the money into women’s football and collect more trophies.

Kylie is obviously the best KardashJennerian.