Tagged: Bill Cosby

After the ordeal

Re Marc Jacobs at New York Fashion Week: the fashion industry has always drawn inspiration from the urban street, the rural field, and the courtesan’s boudoir.

Re Jimmy Kimmel at the Emmys: the faux introduction of “Dr Bill Cosby” and the ad lib about Johnny Cochrane were the best bits. Gervaisesque, really.

Re the Labour Party leadership vote: Mr Corbyn is the Stannis Baratheon of Labour. He has a better chance of presiding over the High Table at Hogwarts than becoming Prime Minister.

As a genre, the Western is passé, especially a re-booted Western that lacks irony (“The Magnificent Seven”).

Virtual Brexit (the present state of affairs) is not to be confused with real Brexit (a future state of affairs after Ms Merkel and friends reduce the UK to a giant workhouse).

The Ryder Cup is the perfect sh*storm of commercialised, god-bothering, flag-fluffing, 1%er machismo, wrapped in polyester shirts and dad khakis.